Lionhearts Discontinued Version: Prologue + Chapters 1-2

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So technically this isn't "my" book, but I had a big part in creating it, so I decided to put it in here because I'm gonna do some rewriting when I can. Also when I post the new version, I'll update this and say so.



"I wish we could take both girls, but we only have so much money, sweetheart," the man said to his wife. They were adopting a child since they were unable to have their own. They came across two girls, twins, who seemed inseparable.

The woman looked at the sisters playing with their teddy bears. "They're so young. And we're moving soon, so they won't even be able to see each other."

The man sighed. "I know, but Gabi is perfect. Honey, please. This is what we've always wanted." He pulled her into his arms, kissing her temple. They were still in their late twenties, with steady jobs, but not enough income for twins. As much as it broke their heart to leave Hailey, they knew Gabi would be the perfect daughter.

The twins were born in a small town in Virginia. The husband and wife grew up there, but his career was now in Los Angeles, where they would be moving once the adoption was official. It would be hard to leave the only place they've ever known, but they were ready.

The woman who ran the orphanage had the paperwork ready, all it needed was a few signatures, and Gabriella Newman would become Gabriella Stevens.

After Gabi said goodbye to her sister, confused as any five-year-old would be, she left with her new parents, crying when she realized Hailey wasn't coming too.


Chapter One

Gabi's POV

"Keep it down!" my mom shouted from downstairs. I had been playing music on the stereo, and I was always careful to keep it down, but I guessed she was just in a bitchy mood.

I groaned, turning the volume knob down.

I had lived in the same house with my parents for ten years now. I could barely remember what it was like before they adopted me, but I remembered when they did. They were still pretty young and wanted to start a family. They were so loving and gave me everything I needed. They comforted me when I had nightmares about a girl that looked like me. The main difference between us was that her hair went down past her chest, while I kept mine at my shoulders.

I sat at my desk, staring at my textbook and notebook, the bass thumping gently. My back was to the door, and I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard the door slam against the wall. My mom stood there, fuming as she held a belt in one hand.

"I turned it down!" I shouted as she came closer and yanked me out of the chair.

It wasn't always like this. My parents were loving and kind. They wouldn't hurt a mouse, but shortly after I turned thirteen, something changed. I wasn't sure what, but for the last couple years, I've been walking on eggshells.

My back was stinging as I lay next to my chair, my mom leaving, slamming the door behind her. The sound sent vibrations through the floor and I winced. Hot tears streaked down my face. I had learned quickly to cry silently, or something worse would happen.

I had just started picking myself up when my door burst open again. This time it was my dad, with his bushy beard. He hadn't shaved it completely off for two years.

I tripped on my rug, falling on my hip when I saw he had a hammer.

But he wasn't coming for me.

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