Would this day get any worse?!

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Yes I'll learn to live with him.

I prayed and sat on the praying mat , praying for patience and so much more , cause lord knows I needed that to learn to tolerate ya afaan.

"Adda Khadija , let's go lunch is ready".

"Zara stop calling me adda  ,  it's so weird ginnado."

"Better get used to it" she stuck her tongue at me and I rolled my eyes.

I picked my veil and headed down with the girls on my heels.

Ya afaan was sitting with that girl is it furry or what sef and she was staring at him while he pressed his phone I almost tripped when he looked at me and I quickly averted my eyes from his and walked down, ummi and Abul were the last to come down and we all headed to the diner, call it coincidence or whatever but I was sitting next to the monster himself, lunch was amazing and I was almost full by the time dessert came, I wasn't really eating I was pretty much picking on my food and thinking about the life I was gonna face with ya afaan he was simply intolerable I grunted and I saw him glimpse at me.

After lunch we sat in the living room with zara and recalled our funny school memories any time I looked up the monster had his eyes on me, glaring at me.

I laughed and got up "Zara you're so annoying I swear ,it's getting late I should prolly be going"  

"No you're not driving qanuni, you're leaving your car here the driver will bring it back tomorrow , Naseeru is driving"Ummi shouted from the other living room.

My face felt warm and I was sure I was blushing except there wasn't any color seeping through my skin.

He looked up and eyed me then walked out, I followed suit ,the girls all came out to escort me he was already in the car , I turned and hugged zarah then group hugged all the girls cause I didn't want to waste his time he might leave me there.

"Toh sai munzo amarya (till we come bride)"zara announced when I turned my back and she hit my butt.

"Zaraaa, Acchu monnugo am ne(stop being annoying" I rolled my eyes and sat comfortably and the girls laughed.

He sat on the drivers seat peacefully and I doubted if he could speak any Fulani , I eyed him ,dropped my bag on the floor and buckled my seat belt remembering the day he dropped me home after adda ummis dinner.

Bipolarrr monster.

He pulled the car in such speed I almost hit my head but I ignored him and brought my phone out from my bag to check what new recipes where on today.
I am a cooking freak anyways.
I still couldn't believe I was married to this monster , the guy who has never had any feeling for me , the guy who bullied me from the very first day we met. I sighed.

This is gonna be one hella ride.

I glanced at him and he looked lost , the tall street lights on the streets shone on his face giving him a radiant glow and the side box on his face shone and looked well trimmed his  Lips were pressed into a thin line and he looked as handsome as ever.

Khadija afrah , stop ogling, stop drooling over him. , stop it stop it stop it.
I finally listened to "inner afrah" name I call my subconscious
What ? I'm a weird girl.

His phone rang cutting my thoughts short and I looked over to see a picture of the same girl that was tied to him by the waist on adda ummis wedding her name was saved as loml💕👑 , he looked at his phone then at me and ignored the call.

I smiled and looked through my contact list , I needed to get my mind far away from here , I dialed adda ummis number it was switched off , I hissed and dialed ya scarlet it's been long I spoke to any of them.

She picked on the third ring.

"Adda scarlet" I giggled like a kid high on sugar I really missed them.

"Kai afrah , you'll never change you mad ass girl."she laughed.

" blah blah blah I didn't even call to speak to you where are my babies ?"

"Hayna is here, hayna come say hey to mummy"

"Hewwoo" she answered in her cute voice.

"Hi hayna how are you , do you miss me"

"Mhmmm I miss you, do you miss me" she replied and I almost broke down I had tears in my eyes and I could see ya afaan gawking at me.
It's not my fault that I'm emotional you know.

I eyed him and and continued talking on the phone with my babies , they were making me laugh especially when I was told that Haydah ran to the parlor in her cute pink towel when she heard hayna was speaking to me.

We finally reached the gate and I saw a petite girl standing by the gate pacing up and down and she had a pink traveling bag with her

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We finally reached the gate and I saw a petite girl standing by the gate pacing up and down and she had a pink traveling bag with her.

She looked really familiar.

Wait that's the girl that just called him , what's she doing here with a bag that size.

"Aneesa?" ya afaan uttered when he got accustomed to the dark.

"Would this day get any worse?"

His eyes were on me and mine on him.

Hoodies are one of the most powerful and undesr appreciated articles of clothing. Cold? Put on a hoodie, nothing to wear? Hoodie. Cripplingly low self esteem? You know. So versatile. So multifaceted. 
A girls bestfriend 💕😩

Just the two of us (EDITING)✔️Where stories live. Discover now