Keep Your Pride Aside

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Darkness was all I could see. It took me a moment before the memories of rejection and someone attacking me came back. I felt broken and depressed all I can think was how could my mate just reject me!? Soon this feeling of sadness changed into Rage and fury. All I wanted was revenge.

Suddenly a bright light engulfed the darkness and the amount of light and power filled the room made me fall on me knees.

As I looked up at the source of power my eyes met with a beautiful women her features were of that of a goddess and her hair was jet black in contrast of her milky white skin. She was wearing a beautiful white gown and her eyes were shining with a tinge of silver.

I bowed as soon as I realised she was no other than the moon goddess herself.

Without wasting a second she said with a soft but grim expression," listen carefully my child you are my daughter and you have my strength, You can conquer the world if you intend. All the pain you feel is for you to become stronger, you will solve the mystery just wait a little longer".

This was all she said before vanishing into thin air and I was again engulfing with darkness.

I decided to think later about what she said and focus solely on regaining my consciousness.

I am trying my best to come out of this mess but I don't know how. Still I know that one thing is for sure I won't give up.

After what felt like hours of trying I woke up in a hospital bed. I felt the presence of a pack member and faked that I was still unconscious. I can't risk him knowing that I am better if they find out they will probably lock me inside the cell for forever.

When I no longer felt his presence I slowly woke up and went straight to pack house. I carefully sneaked in my so called wardrobe sized room and without making a single noise ,I grabbed my duffel bag and started running towards the border like my life depends on it.

I don't know where am I going. I have been running non-stop for 2days and I myself am surprised with my sudden strength.

After a few more hours of running I spotted a pond so I decided to stop and drink some water. I saw a deer running and I was really hungry specially my wolf 'Beth'. We decided to hunt for a while and then start heading towards god-knows-where.

After hunting down 2 rabbits and a deer I started running again in my wolf form.

I was running when I accidentally stepped inside some pack territory and within few seconds I found myself surrounded by around 7 wolves.

I thought about running or fighting but both seemed impossible to me.

"When you lose strength, use mind. And when mind doesn't work, show them your eyes.
You have to sometimes keep your pride aside, even sun sets down for a while".

I almost jumped when I heard a mysterious voice in my head but decided to think later about it. It somehow sounded like moon goddess was herself speaking. It was like she was showing me the way.

But at this moment neither I had strength nor my mind was working so I decided to keep my pride aside and just surrender to them. I bowed and showed my neck as a sign of submission.

'Shift' a male commanded me. My wolf, due to some unknown reason didn't wanted to submit but against her will, I did.

I shifted in my human form and all the men standing there gasped. " How are your clothes still on"?

"Well I don't know this is something that has happened since my first shift". I answered truthfully at first I also used to wonder how my clothes don't tear apart when I shift in my wolf form. They just vanish into thin air and come back when I shift back in my human. But then after a while I got used to it and took it as an advantage. Afterall it was a nice thing.

" Well now that you have submitted without harming anybody I will take you to my Alpha and he will decide what to do with you". The person who commanded me to shift. I assume is the gamma, said with a grim expression.

I decided not to act too smart and replied with a simple nod.

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