The Hectic Explanation

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Right now I and Aden are sitting in his office surrounded by John, Maris and Maya. After the arrow incident I knew that I can't hide this all from Maris. Afterall he is my mate he deserves to know.

" Well we have a long story to tell. But let's first start with the questions", Aden said with a calm expression.

"How come we never came to know that you even had a little sister"? Maris questioned.

"It's not like you ever asked. And if we go there I even have a younger brother but unfortunately he is a jerk". Aden replied in a bored expression.

" It's not going anywhere let me start from the start", I said with a not so pleased expression.

" Didn't you start a little early"? John said with sarcasm laced in his voice.

I ignored his sarcasm and started telling them everything.

I told them about the abuse at my old pack, how I ran away after the rejection , that I found out Aden was my brother, discovering about me being the daughter of the moon goddess and that how I have powers that according to a prophecy I have to use them in order to save our kind.

By the time I was finished everyone in the room except Aden had their eyes wide and mouth hanging in shock.

"So you are basically telling me that you have powers that you inherited from moon goddess herself and you have to save our kind by using them" Maris said with a unreadable expression.

"Yes" I replied nervously.

"This whole ' let's save the werewolves' drama can even kill you" ? Maris questioned sternly.

"Maybe" I replied getting even more nervous.

" And what makes you think that I will let you put your life on stake"? Maris said his voice filled with worry but his face lacking any emotions.

"You have to Maris you have to. This is the main reason of my birth. I have powers not to sit here in your protection all my life but to protect myself and kill whoever those enemies are". I said in a soft voice.

" Maris I know that it will be difficult, even I have a mate I understand but Stella is not just some random she wolf she is born for a very big purpose. You can't stop her from protecting so many innocent people out there just because of your own greed". Aden said with a sigh.

"I agree with Aden. We all love Stella but we can't stop her from fulfilling her responsibilities". Maya said with a sad voice.

John just nodded in response.

Maris growled in frustration and stormed out of the room without a single word.

" I guess we should give him some time". John said with a worried expression.

It has been a whole week since I last talked to my mate. He is being a real headache. He won't talk to me and is behaving like a 5 year old.

He wants me to stop training and quit the idea of fighting and all. But to his utter dismay I have doubled my training time. I have to prepare as much as I can. The enemy can appear anytime.

I finished my training and started walking towards Maris's room. It is now or never, I can't live without my mate and I know that even he is suffering.

"Maris I know you are in there please open the door we need to talk".

" Maris please let me in baby. I know you are suffering just like me , please Maris just for once". I said with a trembling voice, I was really about to cry. He was being mean and I didn't like that. He should be considerate at a time like this but on the other hand he was being a total jerk.

" Maris their are some duties that I can't say no to. I know that you are worried about me and all but just this last time I want you to understand me, to help me , to support me. I want you to be by my side Maris, I need you". My voice cracked at the last line. What was this man doing to me this is the first time I have acted so restless and vulnerable. I couldn't help but cry before I even realised tears started rolling down my cheeks.

I felt as if I have lost this chance with Maris.

I was just about to get up and go back to my room when the door of Maris's room burst open and there was standing a pale Maris.

He had bags under his eyes indicating that he has not slept for days. He looked so pale that I immediately knew that he has been skipping his meals too.

"Oh dear! What has happened to you aris"? I said almost crying.

Before I could say any further I was locked in his strong arms. " I am so sorry Stella I have been such a bad mate I am sorry. P!ease forgive me when I should have been by your side comforting you I was locked in my room acting all childish. I don't know how can I be so selfish Stella please forgive me I am sorry please Stella I won't do th- "

I cut him off in the middle as I pressed my lips firmly against his. He was shocked at first but then responded with a kiss of his own.

I pulled back and said " you are forgiven but just don't do this again. You are my vitamin without you everything starts to detoriate ".

" I promise " Maris said with a small smile in his lips.

"But if you go to fight I won't leave you alone I will come with you too". Maris stated with finallity.

"We all will accompany her bro" I turned around to find Maya, Aden and John standing on the gate with wide smiles plastered on there faces.

I smiled at them.

" And also I have some information which may help us a lot " John said and we all looked at him with hope in our eyes.

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