The End

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As I lied on the cold floor I felt my world slowly getting peaceful. Despite the fact that I was currently lying half concious on the battlefield I still felt peaceful, as if someone was intentionally blocking all the sounds. This silence was strangely addictive. it felt like as if someone was singing a lullaby to me.

But the irony was that this lullaby didn't make me feel like sleep but was giving me a strange determination to get up and fight.

"Stella wake up. You have to fight" I heard Alex's voice which was like a command trying to force my slumber away.

I tried to open my eyes but nothing.

I could hear painful howls of Maris as he tried to wake me up.

I could feel someone's intense stair on me but I couldn't interpret it. It was a strange feeling.

Half of me wanted to get up and fight but the other half of me wanted to just sleep.

"I am scared Stella what if we wake up and still fail to protect our loved once I don't want to see them die infront of my own eyes" I felt a voice from inside of me say.

"No Stella don't listen to her just wake up and fight" another voice screamed with the same desperation.

"Fight!? Huh.... isn't that the only thing we have done till now? First- fight of existence, then- fight of tolerance, after- fight of freedom, later- fight of love and now- fight of destiny is this what we will keep doing forever? No! I don't want to fight anymore I want to rest I am tired Stella" The first voice fumed but her tone changed from that of anger to a pled in a matter of seconds.

"Stella this was something you were born with and everybody is born with even the god. Don't reject your destiny. Please don't Stella"

"I don't know this language of destiny and gods all I know is that I am forced to do all this, I am forced to live a life I never asked for. I am tired and I want you to sleep Stella".

"No! You can't sleep yet if not for your own destiny please wake up for your loved once. They need you Stella you kind needs you. Don't reject their plea. It's time to repay mother nature Stella. Get up. And fight. Now"!

"Stella we both know that we can't defeat that devil. You want to wake up just to see destruction? For god's sake Stella he is a devil and we. Can't. Defeat. Him'.

"He may be a devil but you are also a goddess Stella. You were born to defeat him and you can defeat him stella. I beg you please don't waste this opportunity. You can get up Stella".

"Stella do you really want to wake up to see your loved ones get slaughtered infront of your eyes"?

" *Sigh* I don't know how to make you get up Stel but now that you are so close to achieving your destiny don't quit and if not for the sake of your destiny atleast wake up for your loved ones. You have Goddess gene stella you can never die .lf you decide to leave your body now. Will you be able to live with the guilt of not even trying to help your people? They need you Stella".

"Just sleep"

"Don't betray them".

"Stop"! I screamed to the two voices.

I had made my decision. I won't let them die. I know that I can win and I will win. I won't betray Maris, Alex, John, Maya or anybody who needs me. I will wake up.

And with that being said I woke up.

As I stood tall and opened my eyes I saw in front of me the devil standing with a smirk but somewhere deep in his eyes I could see the fear.

The fear of death.

I turned around and looked at my people once who were all standing their with worried eyes and tear stained cheeks.

I felt a plenty of emotions surge through me but the most prominent of all of them was love.

As if I had realised my destiny I felt a sudden surge of immense power through me. And a white powerful light emitted my body.


The light escaped the goddess's body purifying everything that it touched.

Devil looked at it terrified. Trembling with fear.

As it touched the devil who was now trying to cower and hide inside his vessel felt a burning sensation.

The light of love burnt all the hate. Love has conquered the world and hatered was now just left in the form of ash.

God of Hatered , 'The Devil' was now burnt and everything was surrounded with peace and love.

'Stella- The Goddess of Love' had won.

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