Prepare for a war

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After my and maris's little patch up we all headed to Aden's office and waited for John to start speaking.

" So let's start from the starting " John said with a serious expression on his face.

"I told our best detective to investigate about that arrow that was shot at Stella in the cafe. He found the source and reported that the arrow was made by a local ironsmith who lives back at Stella's old pack". My eyes were wide in shock. Was it possible that my ex-mate and other pack members are a part of all this.

"We contacted the ironsmith but all we came to know by him was that a strange man asked him to make that arrow. We were not able to use any force on him because he was a human" . John continued.

We all were silence indicating him to continue.

" I hired our best tracker to identify the scent on the arrow and he did but after a few attempts he was able to identify the scent".

"And"? I asked getting impatient.

"It was of a rouge. A powerful rouge".

This time I was not too shocked. It was expected but the thing he told next made not only me but everybody in the room look at John with wide eyes and hanging mouths.

"But the most shocking news is that their was one more scent present on the arrow. That of a vampire". John said getting tensed.

"What"!? Aden, Maya, Maris and I said in unison.

" Wait, but why? What benefit will the vampires have with this" ? I said getting more confused.

" Well not all vampires are with him but a few like the evil vampires are. You can say the once who have been thrown out of their covens just like the rouges" John said shrugging off his shoulders.

"But still why will they unite with the rouges? Wolfs are not really compatible with vampires. Right"? Maya asked with a curious look on her face.

"Well unless they know about Stella being moon goddess's daughter". Aden said smiling lovingly at Maya.

" And I am afraid they know about her powers". Maris said holding me closer to him.

"That want me to use my powers and destroy all the packs and covens so that they can take over and rule".

They want me to destroy all the packs and covens with their help so that they can rule and make our kind look like a bunch of merciless animals.

" Huh! Over my dead body" I said smirking wickedly.

" The time has come either fight or die". The voice echoed in my head.

It's now or never. If war is the only solution let it be.

" We need to prepare for a war" my voice rung in the whole office.

"Well I think you are right". Aden said sighing.

"I will make sure to explain everything to the pack and also try to make other packs and covens help us". Maris said but hesitantly looked at me.

" Thanks Maris I guess it's time to revel my true identity. But before that I want John to investigate how is my old pack related to all this". I said softly.

"John you need to make that ironsmith describe the man's face and get a sketch, investigate all the things related to my old pack and investigate about the evil vamps and rouges who are a part of all this. I commanded and John nodded.

"I and Maya will convince other wolf packs to join the war". Aden said with finality.

"I and Maris will go and try to convince the vampire's Queen to help and join the war".

And we called off the meeting. Planning was going just fine so far.

"Ready"? Maris asked me.

" More than I'll ever be ". I said hiding a small pistol with silver bullets in my boots.

We started heading towards the car and settled in my Rolls-Royce Sweptail. I sat on the passenger's seat and Maris decided to drive.

We were going to the vampires council to talk to the queen. I am not sure weather she'll agree to participate in the war or not but most probably she will after knowing their intentions.

As he started the car and cool winds started hitting my skin I looked at Maris. He was looking so damn handsome. I guess this is the first time I have looked at Maris in a while. All the tension, training and to make it even more worse our stupid fight has distracted me so much that I was not even able to take to him lightly other than the war stuff.

" What's up Stella is anything bothering you"? He asked worriedly.

He might have felt my intense gaze and tension in the air

"How do you know that something is bothering me"? I wispered.

"Well I am your mate you know the mate bond keeps me updated". He said smiling lightly.

"I am sorry Maris, I am really sorry" I said my lips trembling and my eyes watering I was feeling really guilty everything in me was telling me how bad of a mate I am and that I don't deserve Maris. Even Beth was not talking to me and only whimpering.

Maris looked at me and stoped the car at the corner of the road by looking at his face one can say he was panicking, " stella, are you crying? o my god! Are you hurt somewhere? what happened sweetheart ?are you ok"?

"I am sorry Maris please forgive me" I couldn't control myself anymore and I burst out in tears.

"Why are you apologizing sweety? I am not mad or anything and why will I be"?

"No Maris you should be mad. I am such a bad mate. You have been so nice to me but I have never returned your care I never give you time and when you ask me to stay I start chanting that how the war is close and I have to train. Even you are the beta of this pack and even you have so much of work but you always find time for me. But on the other hand I am acting like I don't care a bit. I don't know even if you will forgive me or not" I said as tears flowed freely down my cheeks. I knew what was going to come next. He was going to reject me and I get that was what I really deserve.

I waited for those lethal words to come out of his mouth but they never came but instead a set of warm arms wrapped around me engulfing me into an ocean of warmth and love.

"Don't be sorry Stella it's fine I am not even a bit sad. I was a little sad earlier but after what you said just now I only feel lucky to have such a nice mate like you. We all make mistakes but the best thing is that you accepted it and that's all I want. And don't worry a bit about all this war and stuff, we'll get through it safe and sound togeather".

And that was the moment when I realised something and this time I was sure about it so without delaying further I pressed my hands against his cheeks lightly, looked deep into his eyes and said,

"I Love You Maris".

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