Conspiracy of The Devil

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It might have been the darkest of nights. The clouds were screaming and crying in pain as they felt their moon go through the unimaginable pain of losing a child.

Tears won't stop streaming down her cheeks as she didn't bother to wipe them away.

Afterall, what was the use of that?

No matter what the tears won't stop flowing as her entire being felt like being ripped apart.

All that held her soul from leaving her body was the face of her sobbing child who was not willing to let go of her little sister and her helpless mate whose soul can be seen falling apart as he left his newborn child on a stranger's doorstep.

There is no word for a parent who lost their child. No one dared to give it a title. The pain and sorrow is so gigantic that it can never be described in words.

Bound by their duties the two helpless parents had to let go of their child with a hope that they will meet again.

The guilt they felt could never be explained. They knew what this little soul was going to face. They know far greater of the pain their child was going to suffer but a slight needle prick on their child's soft and delicate skin was like hundreds of daggers being stabbed in their hearts.

In order to save their subjects, their followers, their kind who were no less important than their own child, They had to let go of their own flesh and blood.

With sorrow and guilt in her eyes the broken mother turned her back to the child.

The soft sobs escaping her child completely broke her and the only thing that kept her standing was the hope.

The hope that one day this small seed will grow into a mountain and fulfil the duty she was assigned even before she took her first breath.

The hope that one day this child will come running in her arms with a victorious smile.

That this child will understand that her mother was bound by duty.

The eyes which shone so brightly were now a dull pool of saltwater and held so much guilt in them for even thinking that her child will forgive her but still the little bit of hope can be seen in her eyes.

That the Luna still shined.

The night was engulfed in sorrow and the sight of broken people always impressed the devil.

He watched from the eyes of a carnivorous the depressing scene unfold in front of him. He was the devil who knew how much power this child held. He knew that this mere kid was his end and he was desperate to bring an end to his end.

He looked down at his vessel proud at his choice.

But when it comes to her child even a deer can fight lions. And it was no different for moon who already held so much power.

On look at the devil and she knew what was he up to. "No"! She screamed. She couldn't let her child die in front of her eyes.

She lunged at the devil tearing his vessel. Too much in control of her rage that she forgot to capture his soul but before she realised, it was too late.

Devil has already found a new vessel and this time he had a plan. That this time his mate was with him too.

That night witnessed the conspiracy of devil and his beloved witch goddess.

The way he corrupted that innocent and naive boy, The way he made him reject his destined, The way he controled his soul. Even the darkness shivered at the sight of his cruel game.

And the Moon cried for her child as she witnessed the devil emerge strong.

The devil had found his vessel.

End of flashback.

Ben's pov

I woke up in a daze my head throbbing like anything. I opened my eyes just to close them again. I blinked my eyes a few times before it adjusted to the bright light coming from the window.

I gasped as realisation struck me. I was in someone else's body and I was definitely not in my room.

I broke into cold sweat as I realised that the devil might come again anytime.

Tears started streaming down my face as I took in what has happened to me till now.

How that devil killed my mate's parents , then my own parents, then how he made me reject my beloved , how he made me kill Alpha caleb and how he destroyed my entire existence of a happy boy, leaving me to be a merry vessel. Vessel for the devil to kill people.

And then with a sudden sharp pain in my head I felt devil take control of my body and all I could do was feel helpless as my wolf constantly tried to remind the devil how wrong he is.


The devil took a deep breath as he entered his vessel. It felt nice to be in a body. 

A sly smirk displayed on his lips as he remembered killing the weak Alpha in cold blood and turning himself into his features to attend this Alpha's meet.

He was more than happy to include his mate, 'The Goddess of Witches' in his plan.

She did a good job in manipulating people's soul.

The witch was blinded by his love but she forgot that all this was an act that devil was not born to love but to use and hate people.

There was a reason he is called 'The God of Hatered'.

He laughed at the stupidity of his mate.

He was really happy that he will be able to kill Stella in just a few days, that he would end his end, that he would prove the moon goddess wrong.

That he would corrupt the supernatural. That he would rule for eternity.

But less did he know that he was underestimating the light. That he was too much engulfed in his darkness that he had forgotten the power of light

That he had forgotten the power of good.

That he had forgotten the power of Luna's essence.


Hey guys! Thanks for 1k reads I am really happy right now and please don't forget to vote.

This was more of a filler chapter and this book is coming towards it's end.

Thanks for your appreciation and support and lots of love💖💖💖

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