Complicated. isn't it ?

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Are you kidding me! Like how Just how? How can my life change so much?

Like just a year ago I was a beaten up omega in some stupid pack and I ran off. The time I ran all I wanted was to take my revenge to make Ben realise that I did deserve him and to make him regret the rejection.

But all my revenge is far forgotten and now I am stuck up with saving the werewolves.

And like all this was not enough. I just found out that 'the vampire queen Selena is my sister?

Now I am really perplexed.

Cause I am a werewolf right? Or I am still living under a rock.

"I know you are in a fix dear but all you need to do is listen" Selena said in a guilty voice.

Without a word I and Maris sat on the sofa facing Selena's.

"As you know, you are moon goddess's daughter. But have you ever wondered who was you father or should I say our father".

"I know that I am moon goddess's daughter but she is only my god mother my real parents were the beta and beta female of Grey Avalor pack". I said as I managed to keep a straight face.

Selena started laughing as if I have cracked the world's funniest Joke.

" I see so they told you that you are their own.....Stella they were not your own parents. They had only adopted you. You are my sister and moon Goddess's and vampire God's daughter".

"What this can't be.... You are lying if my father was a vampire why am I not a vampire too? And what about the photos of my mom being pregnant with me"?

"Well you are a hybrid Stella. Even I am their daughter but my vampire genes dominate my werewolf genes and that's the reason you are choosen to save the werewolves. And you will feel your powers when you'll turn 20 that is next month"

"And about the photos.... I believe it's Aden's tale to tell".

"Even if I believe you why was I adopted when I had my parents and a sibling all well and good"? I asked in a accusing tone to which Selena's smile droped and her voice turned sad.

"Sorry Stella but it was important for you to face the hardships so to make you stronger. We had no other choice .but let me tell you hon we were really sad after we left you in that stupid pack. Trust me Stella our hearts still hurt when we remember that night when we left you on their doorsteps".

"Complicated. isn't it"?

Are you kidding me I had to face that torture, harrassment, humiliation and misery all because someone decided to make me strong? And to make it worse my own parents abundanded me to make me stronger?

"Stella baby are you ok"? Maris's voice dragged me out of my thoughts.

"No I am not okay maris. Why does this always happens to me"?

"Stella I know this is too much to take but don't worry sweetheart I am with you".

"Well I guess you should stay for the night and we will discuss all this tomorrow. I'll arrange a room" Selena said in a sad voice and showed us to the room.

I went inside the room and as soon as I saw the bed I fell on it an started sobbing uncontrollable.

It hurts. Not the fact that my family abundand me but that the life I was living till now was all a lie. All I wanted to do was make people happy but I have realised that I was losing my happiness in order to keep others happy.

Why am I the choosen one just why?

I never asked for a life like this and I don't know what I did to deserve this. My life would have been better even if I was just a powerless human.

I have to fight to protect people who never tried to protect me, who never ever cared for me.

Even my parents or should I say my adopted parents never thought how much it will hurt when I will come to know about all this.

But the thing I don't understand is that why am I so much hurt?

I don't even know Selena or my biological parents but still it hurts maybe a part of me still hoped that people cared for me but now that I know the reality my heart is slowly turning into ice.

Afterall what did I even get trying to be all nice and good?

All I got was parents who abundanded me, a family that was a lie, a fake brother who tortured me to death, a mate who rejected me at first sight, a second chance mate who said me to take my 'I love you' back let alone say it back.

I guess if I had built the walls around me a little more stronger and taller it would have saved me from the feeling I despise the most - 'helplessness'.

But today I promise myself and my wolf Beth that this is the last time that we are feeling so vulnerable. LAST TIME.

I promise that this is going to be the last night when I will cry myself to sleep.

I cried for what felt like hours before drifting off into deep slumber.

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