Deadly Villian

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Ben   (Stella's ex-mate)

What does that bitch think, that she can run away from me hah in her dreams. At first if I had known that she was moon goddess's daughter I would have never rejected her.

Her stupid brother Karen thinks that she was the one who killed their parents well afterall it's not his fault I forced a witch to cast a spell on him and disappear if she wanted to live.

Even the whole pack is stupid enough to think that a 10 year old she-wolf would be able to kill the beta and beta female of the pack.

Now that I think about it everybody knew that she did not kill her parents but being the sinsters my wolves are. who would deny a toy to release all the anger upon. The few who opposed were silenced by me

I didn't expect her name to come up but when it did I didn't bother to help her after all I didn't wanted the death of her parents to be investigated by the council obviously.

But now that I know that she is not a weak omega but a powerful hybrid I want her. I want her to bear my pups so that I can have a powerful heir for my pack.

I have sent few of the rouges to kill her mutt of a second chance mate. Once I get rid of him I'll make Stella mine.

"You bloody bastard! You don't deserve her I wish I could have my mate back but I will never want her to return to you all you did was give her pain" My wolf growled in my head.

This stupid excuse of a wolf has been nothing but trouble to me he always keeps weeping in my head for rejecting Stella and now that I am ready to accept her this love-sick mutt won't stop with this growling.

I growled back and shut the link with my wolf.

"Alpha!" One of my worriers bowed entering inside my office. I nodded signalling him to continue.

"We couldn't kill beta Maris but one of the rouges has injected the wolfsbane in his system. He is in coma right now and our men are sure that with the amount of injuries and wolfsbane in his system he won't be able to comeback before a year".

"You can leave". I said with a smirk on my face.

"But sir we have a bad news too, They got one of our high ranked worrier's portrait and I predict Stella might have identified him as our pack's". He said with his head hung low.

"What!? You stupid mutt can't you do anything right. Leave before I kill you" I yelled throwing the first thing that my hand reached , at him.

I shouldn't have underestimated Stella and now she knows that I am the one behind this attack. She might be ready to attack any moment now.

But what does she think that she can beat me this easily? Hah! Never.

I pressed the ring again my heart and changed the spell that was given to me by the powerful witch whose life I had saved once. I did not had any intentions of doing that but I knew that if I help her she will have to help me in exchange.

So here I am ready to ask for my gift.

"Kaali aatmao ki rani meri sahayta kar" As soon as I said the spell I was teleported into a dark coven.

Before I could call her name or move forward a black foam started turning into a beautiful lady in a black lacy gown.

"You saved me once and now it's my time to save you. Say what do you want"? She asked her voice held immense power.

"I want Stella but she is very powerful so I need your help to defeat her in the war and kill her mate". I said almost pleading.

I never thought that I will ever plead infront of someone but this lady has some real power which is making my wolf surrender.

"Stella the moon goddess daughter well I am on good terms with moon goddess and the council members being the goddess of black magic I don't want to upset the council so I won't send my souls to help you in the war but a small essence of me will be transferred into your soul for the day of war. But remember you can only defeat her if you infect her soul". And with that the goddess of black magic vanished leaving a thick black foam behind her.

Now she cannot defeat me because I am no more a simple Alpha but I have black magic with me now.

Now it will be a real war and I will defeat all the Alpha's who are with them. I could kill two birds with one arrow. One I have killed everyone with the help of black magic and rouge force I will rule the whole werewolf Kingdom and Stella will be my Queen or should I say my slave who will have the privilege of bearing my pups.

My wolf growled once again at me but I shut him off as usual.

Get ready Stella to face the real war to fight with me now that you have me it will be a worthy fight. Get ready to be destroyed because now you have a


Hey guys please vote and keep reading 💗 I know this chapter is a little short but the coming chapters will be long and also the next update will be soon(1may) so till then keep reading 💗 and voting.

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