The War- II

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Stella threw countless punches and kicks on Ben but nothing.

He stood their unaffected. Nobody showed it but after seeing Stella fly back with a single blow from Ben and Ben standing unaffected after her countless blows, the wolves and vampires standing below felt scared.

"Well you have taken your turns and now let me show you what a real fight is". Ben smirked at her and threw a punch. This time Stella was prepared and managed to block the attack but soon regretted not dodging it.

As his fist came in contact with her arms she felt her arm break. He didn't stop at that and started punching her without stopping. She managed to dodge most of them but a few that managed to hit her were death.

Thanks to her goddess gene that it didn't took her much time to heal but this was not working.

Stella understood that she cannot defeat this wolf with fighting. She was perplexed that how did this weak Alpha is still infront of her fighting like a pro utterly unaware of the fact that he was not an ordinary wolf but a powerful devil.

The one and only 'God of Hatered'.

'Even if magic is an illusion it still works'  The voice rung in her head firmly.

As if that was her cue Stella chanted a spell and her numerous reflections surrounded the devil.

He stood their perplexed between all the Stellas but he was not that dumb. What form of magic has he not seen afterall he existed since the day Sun god woke up from his curse, since the day moon goddess started shining, since the day mankind was born.

He was an inseparable part of nature and will exist till the mankind exists.

"So this pup finally learned something" devil laughed a vicious smirk appeared on his face.

Stella looked at him and that was the moment she realised . All her confusion long gone.

"W-what are you" she stuttered and the devil laughed.

"What do you think I am, you dumb@ss"? He smirked.

She heard a voice she was really familiar with,"D-d-devil" she heard her trainer mrs. Roman's voice.

She looked back to see the poor lady sweating.

And that was all she needed to know and with that she started fighting with all she had, with all her magic, with all her powers and with all her might. She was not fighting for her revenge but for survival not her's but the survival of love over Hatered'.

She couldn't let Hatered' win and with that she uprooted a ten feet tall tree and sent it towards the devil with full force. Taking the help of wind.

If Devil is nature she will control him with nature.

It hit the devil and he fell on the ground. Half of the rouges have died and Stell was winning. Well atleast that was what they thought.

As the devil fell on the ground he landed on all fours.

A vicious snarled left her mouth as she shifted into her wolf Beth.

The devil stood up and they both lunged at each other. Craving for each other's blood.

They kept fighting and fighting no one ready to lose. Both of them were fighting for survival.

Every time Stella would feel emotions like hatered and revenge, the devil seemed to get more powerful. All the options seemed to close for her. No matter how hard she was trying the devil would recover in a fraction of second.

She turned back into her human form and elongated her sharp and deadly flangs. As she lunged at the devil and bit his neck she started drinking his blood and that was the biggest mistake.

"Are you accepting your defeat or you are just the number one stupid of this century"? The devil questioned laughing loudly.

By this time all the rouges were dead and only the devil was left who was for Stella to take down.

All the vampires and wolfs surrounded them in a circle. Waiting for one of them to win.

With their breath hitched and their eyes glassy they saw as Stella removed her flangs from the devil's neck and stumbled backward.

Her eyes as red as blood and her skin pale.

"W-what have you done, you bastard I will kill you" she growled with her flangs at their full length.

"First save yourself". Devil raised his hands and a dark ball made of something like foam surrounded Stella.

Maris struggled to get to her but was stopped by John and Alex.

The dark foam around Stella vanished taking away all her energy with him.

She felt so tired that she was not able to stand on her feet. Her body collapsed on the ground with a loud thud, blood trickling down her forehead due to the impact of fall.

All her energy drained she felt lifeless and vulnerable.


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