face 1

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"you look so handsome, oppa!"

seokjin smiled sweetly at the younger girl that beamed at him. "look?"

"oh!" the girl exclaimed, giggling shyly. "i mean, you are handsome, oppa."

seokjin laughed at the small reaction he saw from the fan. he had always been fond over teasing and joking with fans they meet and interact. it always lifted his mood and made his heart flutter whenever the ringing of chuckles were caused by him.

"there he is again."

jungkook looked to his right, turning his body to meet the one who spoke.

"huh?" he asked in confusion.

jimin sighed, the right side of his head laid on the table, his eyes on someone who had stars for eyes. "i'm talking about jin hyung."

jungkook turned to glance at the eldest at the other end of the tavle before turning back to the smaller. "what about him?"

jimin rolled his eyes, sitting up straight before slouching, leaning at the edge of the table with his chest. "just a while ago, he wasn't talking to any of us. in fact, he completely ignored everything we did around him, like he doesn't care at all."

the youngest hummed, nodding along to what the older pointed out. it was true. just a while ago, the maknae asked what his eldest hyung was cooking only to receive a shrug, unlike the typical, complaining tone, telling him to wait 'til everyone is seated.

"i still don't understand what's wrong, jimin."

after giving a glare to the younger, jimin breathed out loud. "and look at him now. he's laughing, allowing other people to make him talk. but when we ask him to get him to talk, nothing. unresponsive. just a look and done." he groaned, leaning back to his chair.

"maybe he's trying to keep up an act." jungkook thought. "you know how we are when it comes to our fans. whether we get sick or aren't in the mood. we'd still push it away for them."

"true, true." jimin admitted as he nodded. "but that doesn't mean there isn't anything wrong. he's still behaving, weirdly."

jungkook nodded. "why don't you ask him, hyung?"

jimin's eyes turned into full moons from the usual crescent ones. "are you kidding me? i'd rather sleep in namjoon hyung's room than speak about that to him."

jungkook pouted. until a thought came across his mind as he turned to the older with a sickly creepy smile.

"what's that smile for?" jimin asked both irritated and confused.

jungkoom crossed his arms.

"i'll talk to hyung."

jimin sighed in relief and reached for jungkook's head. "good boy."

jungkook kept the smirk on his lips. "but you did mention about sleeping in rm hyung's bedroom."

jimin groaned. "don't tell me-"

"you wanna talk to seokjin hyung?"

"fine! i'm sleeping there."

jungkook clapped his hands in triumph, a playful laugh escaping his lips, his nose now scrunched up, causing the forgotten Army to squeal and scream.

jungkook hid behind taehyung who sat at his left, the shy look he gave them just made them go rampage even more.

"nice work, kook."

"shut up hyung."

multi faced // kim seokjin //Where stories live. Discover now