face 8

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namjoon eyed the computer screen blankly. why was he killing time, staring at nothing.

he could go back to the dorm. he hasn't heard from any of the members for more than a day.

he wasn't worried though. they once always made sure they were alive at the moment. but now it just seemed it took too much energy. they knew they'll be alive. they didn't have to remind each other constantly. it just wasted their time.

"should i just head back?" namjoon muttered to himself. he had been sitting down, doing nothing productive for four hours straight, listening to demos he kept to himself, demos he never got the chance to share no matter how many chances he was given.

he thought about going back to the dorm. he'll just see nothing. but seokjin will be there. maybe it'll be alright. it's been a while since he hung out with the eldest. namjoon knew the older must be dozing off, maybe crashing beside him will be alright. he never admits but he missed sleeping, sprawled on the older's small bed. don't ask about it.

the thought brought a smile to his face. he should make stop over in a convenient store, maybe buy a tub of ice cream. it sounds something girl friends would do.

he remembered wanting to have a pleasant conversation with the older and seokjin would only say yes whenever food was involved or offered. namjoon laughed at that.

his hyung never minds late night talks. right? that's what he remembers. he would never mind when one of them would crash beside him pass twelve in the morning, whether they were happy, angry or sad, he'd wake up and entertain whatever they needed. whether it was comfort or something to laugh about, he didn't care. his youngers were okay, he's okay.

namjoon misses their hyung.

"that's it," he says finally, palms in front of him, now standing, cracking his back a bit. "i am leaving, buying ice cream and crashing into hyung's bed. whether he's awake or not. whether he likes it or not." 

he reached for his coat, slipping his long arms in either sides of the sleeves, tugging it from the front to fit it properly. grabbing the shoulder bag he brought, slinging it over his left shoulder, he grabbed his wallet on the table, shutting everything off on his way out of his studio.

he was excited. he can't wait but to talk to his eldest hyung.

tapping his foot while waiting for the elevator, he patted his pockets for his phone.

"great." he muttered sarcastically. he ran back to his studio, not bothering to open the lights, immediately spotting his phone on the couch.

slipping back out, locking the door behind him, he walked fast towards the elevator to see it, just right on time, sliding open.

"wasn't that bad." he murmured, stepping inside and pressing the button to the ground floor.

he checked the time in his phone. just forty minutes after two in the morning, it said. "not that late." he pouted a small smile, tilting his head for a second.

he was going to play music on his phone when it starting vibrating, causing namjoon to drop his phone.

"shit," he cursed, bending down to pick his phone, eyes squinting to see whoever or whatever caused his phone to go seizing all of a sudden.

oh, just a reminder.

sleep early namjoon ah. ~handsomer_than_you

namjoon laughed. he could recall how the eldest managed to add that reminder to his phone. every two in the morning, he would receive a random reminder, telling him to sleep. this had been the time when he would go stay up all night working on comeback after comeback, and the eldest reminding him to sleep and rest constantly. namjoon smiled when he saw the term his hyung used.

multi faced // kim seokjin //Where stories live. Discover now