face 9

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"i'll be going with them. you six, stay here unless i say so." sejin said, standing by the door.

jimin stepped forward. "hyung," sejin turned to the smaller. "he'll be alright, right?"

sejin looked down. he didn't know what to respond. he doesn't want to hope that there hyung will be alright. but if it was to make them feel better, he'd do it. if seokjin doesn't turn out to be alright, then he had just caused them more pain for hoping.

"i'll make sure of it, jiminie." sejin smiled before closing the door behind him. he didn't want to see the glint of hope in jimin's eyes. nor did he want to see them in pain.

seokjin's got to be okay.

those left at the dorm stood still when the door shut closed. they heard the ambulance speed off, silence engulfs their home.

with a sigh of exhaustion and worry, yoongi sat on the couch, fingers rubbing his temple, covering his eyes to keep those tears from escaping.

"what... happened?" jungkook huffed out, trying his best to say calm. he couldn't digest what happened. it just went so, fast. his mind was all over. he wasn't emotional, no, he was angry. he was frustrated.

no one dared to answer. the same thought lingered in their minds that was wandering. eveything went so fast.

"namjoon," yoongi called, not moving from his position. he knew the other did likewise. "what happened?"

namjoon sighed, rubbing his eyes. "i don't fucking know." he replied tiredly. he knew what happened, but at that state, he knew he wasn't capable of doing so at the moment. nor was hoseok.

yoongi sighed exasperatedly, "fine, leave us clueless when we see our hyung rushed out of the dorm, unconscious. great." he sarcastically says. can you blame him?

namjoon eyed the older in annoyance. "atleast you weren't the one who had to find out how he possibly tried to kill himself–"

"he did what?" namjoon looked away.

yoongi chuckled lowly. "don't you look away from me namjoon. i'm asking you, he did what?"

"you heard me didn't you?" namjoon shot back at the rapper. he was losing his patience and he knew he won't like it.

namjoon not using honorifics weren't helping either, causing yoongi to grow more pissed.

about to scowl at their leader, hoseok stepped in.

"i thought he didn't have a pulse."

yoongi turns to the dancer, along with the others. they watched him cough after taking deep breaths.

"i cam home, found him on the table, sitting. he – he looked like he was just taking a nap." hoseok explained, tears threatening to fall once more. "i tried waking him but he was nearly stiff. he wasn't moving."

everyone knew where this was going.

"namjoon called his phone and i told him to call sejin hyung." he continues, a tear now rolling down the side of his face. "he just didn't wake up."

he sighed after wiping that stray tear, looking up at the others. he was biting his lower lip, shoulders shaking.

jimin had to hold back the urge to cry when he met his hyung's broken eyes.

"then namjoon came, then you came. they took hyung and now we're here." he said. "the end."

everyone was quiet.

"we knew something had been happening to him." jimin mutterd as he slid down a wall, facing everyone but not making eye contact. everyone turns to him.

multi faced // kim seokjin //Where stories live. Discover now