face 2

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seokjin turned to the high pitched voice, a hum vibrating from his throat.

"why are you here?"

seokjin gave a tight smile towards the younger, turning his head forward, looking at the sky changing color. a variety of colors painted the blue canvas, clouds glowing, giving it more of an aesthetic feel. you could see the sun, now tinted with the what seems like red, it's shape defined as it started to set behind the mountain ranges.

"woah, now i understand why you're always here." seokjin snickered silently as he turned to his right where the other stood after speaking.

"how'd you know i would be here?" seokjin asked, turning to the front.

jungkook raised an eyebrow. "you're asking me that?" he questioned in disbelief. "i should be the one asking you that, hyung."

"is it really that important to know what i'm here for?" seokjin asked after sighing. he knew why they'd wonder. you can't blame them though. he's been appearing and disappearing nonstop to the point even their managers can't tell where he is.

"it is actually." jungkook replied honestly. "we want to know what's up, hyung."

jungkook turned to admire the scenery, his ears still ready whenever they hear a response. minutes passed and he recieved none. he leaned towards his left, moving closer to the dazed older.

"hyung," seokjin jumped at the sudden call, almost elbowing the maknae's chest.

he gasped as the younger dodged, stepping back. "jung-! i'm so sorry!"

jungkook was taken back himself. yes, he got caught up by the sudden action, luckily stepping away from the hit, but besides that, the response his hyung showed.

he steadied himself and turned to the older. the moment his eyes landed on the slightly smaller, he gasped.

seokjin was staring back at him with wide eyes. not the usual and joking, wide eyes. it was not what they see often. but he didn't know what it was at the same time. it was as if a cloud was blocking between him and his hyung to the point he can't tell what those wide eyes held. it was intriguing, that it almost made him cower, and it was shocking, he doesn't know whether to be worried or sad. those eyes held so much emotion to the point he can't tell what his hyung was feeling.


seokjin started rambling, his head lowering by the second. "i'm so sorry. i-i didn't mean to–"

jungkook took note of the stuttering. "hyung, it's okay–"

"shit, i just wasn't paying that much attention, i-i got distracted, i didn't know–"


seokjin stopped, he felt the strong grip of the other, just realizing he had been shaking. he felt his eyes grow wet by the second, his lips shaking from the cold. he looked up, eyes wide, meeting the other's eyes filled with concern.

"it's okay, hyung. i'm fine. you didn't hit me, and even if you did i'd still be fine, okay?" jungkook stated, his voice firm and calm, his lowered his head to level his eyes to his hyung. he saw his eyes glisten, making him a lot more worried. he doesn't understand. why was his hyung acting like thing? "everything is fine, okay? calm down hyung, you're shaking."

jungkook eyed seokjin as he took deep breaths, his nroad shoulders rising every inhale. he watched the older blink those unspilled tears. the youngest was so worried that he took note every action the oldest did. he never thought his hyung would react like that nor did he think that it was normal for him. sure, he heard about the others' conversations on how much seokjin changed, or how different he is from before. he was aware of what they thought about the older's behavior and be blunt, so did he. it wasn't in a bad way of course, he just thought that it was something to be worried about.

truth be told, he didn't know what was wrong or what happened.

he went to find for seokjin. he found him. he wanted to talk, just like what his deal was with the oldest maknae. he wanted to have a serious or chill talk, he was even considering a heart-to-heart conversation. until that happened and just gave jungkook an idea.

who knows what's going on inside hyung's head, jungkook thought, his arms now around the elder, his chin on the other's head. he stroked the older's hair, unconsciously humming some sort of melody, sending soft vibrations to seokjin that made him sigh in relief.

unaware of the deal in the first place, seokjin didn't think at all. his mind was to crowded at the moment he didn't bother who he was, where he was, or what he was. in short, he didn't care at all. he just was too tired. no. too exhausted. he was too exhausted to care at all.

jungkook pursed his lips, a conclusion coming to his mind after years of the gears spinning.

seokjin hyung wasn't okay.

multi faced // kim seokjin //Where stories live. Discover now