face 4

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jimin stretched, letting out a small whine before dropping on the cushion, a smile plastered on his lips. he slept, great.

"finally.." he muttered. he turned his head to the right, eyeing the window, expecting light to seep through the blinds. not seeing anything, he let out breath, reaching for his phone around under his pillow blindly. finally grabbing hold of the object, slipping it out of the pillow, he turned to glance at the lock screen.

"not my first, but whatevs." he mumbled, slightly chuckling as he eyed the time. he slept early yesterday so it isn't a surprise for him to wake up early.

he sighed, swinging his legs at the side of the bed, sitting up at the same time. pushing himself out of the bed after putting on slippers, he stepped slowly towards the door, careful to not wake his roommate.

successfully exiting the room, he closed the door behind him. walking through the corridor, he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, unaware of the dim light at the end of the hallway.

eyes squinted when they met with light as he tilted his head. he turned to the source of light.


blinking, jimin saw his eldest hyung, standing behind the kitchen bar that separated the living from the kitchen.

"why are you awake this early?" he heard his hyung ask.

jimin shrugged, still standing in place, staring at his hyung as if trying to make sure if he was really there.

chuckles reached his ears.

"what are you standing there for? come here."

jimin's eyes widened, now curious on what seokjin wants. dozen of possible reasons ran across his mind, a habit he picked up since he was young. was he about to receive a scolding? praise? is hyung going to show something funny? a book? a movie? was he going to tell a secret? a–?

"jimin? you coming over here or what?"

jimin shot up, nodding as he waddled towards the older's side. his eyes came from wide ones to those familiar crescent shaped ones. the corner of his lips turned upwards as he eyed what was in front of him.

"what's this hyung?" jimin wondered louder than expected.

seokjin to press a finger to the younger's lips as if telling him to quiet down. "do you want the others to wake up?" he asked.

receiving a no from the smaller, seokjin cloned the smile that was on jimin's lips. he turned down to the treat he made for him. he didn't mean to make a large portion, unlike what he planned. let's say he got carried away.

"what is this jin hyung?" jimin said lowly compared to a while ago. he eyed the treat, the mouth watering scent that made his eyes roll to the back.

"a mug brownie. i saw the recipe from a video once and thought i could do it once." he replied cheekily. "besides, it looked appetizing to me before."

jimin smiled when he turned to look at his hyung, who was now holding a spoon, his grin growing. "our little secret now, huh?"

seokjin raised an eyebrow for a second, looking at the shorter with mischief in his eyes. "just our little secret unless we don't eat now and end up getting caught."

jimin stifled a laugh behind his hand, nodding as his hyung sunk the spoon to the dessert. opening his mouth when the spoon made his way, he took it in, on his tongue. the taste wasn't any different from brownies he had, but the fact that it was made during the late night at the dorm, still warm and moist, and made by his hyung's hands, just separated it from all those desserts he ate.

seokjin smiled when jimin released a groan of satisfaction before taking a spoon full himself.

"yah~" he grumbled while still chewing, making jimin laugh at the reaction his hyung showed. it always had been like that. his hyung expressing his feelings, exaggerating all the happiness, satisfaction, and joy he felt.

"it's good right?" seokjin taunted jokingly towards the younger, making the smaller laugh more, of course not forgetting to keep it down. he was laughing silently. he heard his hyung's low laughter beside him just made him laugh more, hurting his stomach.

he turned to look at his hyung who was still laughing, slapping the younger's shoulder playfully, the other only in giggles after the painful laugh session he had. he was smiling at the older. he looked so okay, so carefree, so happy.

he didn't understand. just the previous morning, he heard jungkook say seokjin hyung wasn't okay. what was he seeing now then? this isn't the seokjin hyung the maknae described. the entire different.

this hyung was happy, joking around, and doing what comforts him which everyone knew was cooking and eating. this was the hyung they grew up to know.

"chimmy have another bite baby~" seokjin said playfully. jimin had to hold back another fit of giggles before taking a huge ass bite from the older. he just comforted him to know that this hyung was the same hyung that took care of him since those pre-debut days.

"seokjin hyung!"

seokjin tilted his head at the low exclaim of jimin. "hm?"

jimin was grinning widely, continuously breaking down the chunk seokjin gave him. "this is better with milk isn't it?"

the younger watched the older's eyes widen, a grin making its way to his lips. he slapped hands with jimin. "smart jimin-ahh~" he praised jokingly before making his way towards the refrigerator to get the goods.

jimin smiled cheekily. this was the reason why he loves his hyung. how he took care of them, how he rode with all of their silliness depsite the fact he was old and he has to act his age. despite that, he continued to play along to his dongsaengs, not caring how people interpreted him as childish and immature.

this is how jimin knows seokjin hyung. then who was jungkook talking about?

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