face 3

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it just had been a day since the strange behavior jungkook witnessed from his hyung. the image of his pale skin on his face, the quivering of his plump lips, and the blinking of tears away stuck to the younger's mind. he wasn't use to seeing the older like that. no. he has never seen the older like that. to say, it looked like a different person was in front of him that time. not his jin hyung.

"you better have something good to say jungkook." a surprisingly deep voice from the oldest maknae caught jungkook's attention. turning his head to the chair beside him, there he saw the smaller with bed hair, messy clothing, and visible bags under his eyes.

jungkook tilted his head and scoffed. "you look like shit hyung." he said with the same tone, the familiar dialect that the two share now honored at the kitchen table.

"how do you even sleep in the same room with namjoon hyung?" jimin complained, reaching for the mug of coffee the maknae held.

jungkook rolled his eyes, handing the mug. "as if i have a choice." he said, smiling a little, glancing at the older who took careful sips from the cup.

"i love rm hyung and all but i'm glad it's just for last night 'cause i'm not sleeping anywhere near that titan again." jungkook chuckled at the term used. his hyungs could really be creative when it comes to insulting or calling another member.

"yah, our deal child." him in pointed out, sliding the mug to sit in between him and jungkook on the table.

jungkook sighed, the smile from his chuckling a while ago now gone as nodding his head slowly. "it's... interesting." he said, trying his best to find the best words to describe what happened.

jimin raised an eyebrow, sensing the uncertainty of the younger, making him question inwardly. "interesting?"

"unusual? different? unfamiliar to me and i bet to you and the rest? i don't know hyung, honestly." jungkook admitted, slowly placing his chin on the table.

jimin tilted his head, bring the rim of the mug to his lips once again. "spill the tea sister."

jungkook couldn't not smile at the older's words.

"i guess the only 'tea' here is that, you may be right." jungkook said lowly.

"what made you say that?" the other asked, leaning on the back of the chair, putting his right foot up on the chair comfortably.

"it was scary hyung." the younger mustered a whisper, enough for it to be only audible to them two. jimin kept quiet, his way to let the speaker proceed. "i just wanted to know where he has been lately and why so often recently. you and i both know he never goes out unless needed or necessary."

jimin nodded, his lips still sealed.

"i saw him at the rooftop of our building. we never really go up there but i saw him go alone. so i thought it'd be the great time to talk." he continued, placing his right cheek on the marble table, admiring his hyung's small hands on the table. "i somehow understood how he could've been there, it's beautiful up there. but i wanted to know why all of a sudden. i mean, we're all busy with our schedule, practically we only hang out during break, lunch, maybe if they give us somw free time, and here at the dorm. yet we barely hang out with him, even during breaks, here in the dorm and all that, giving lame excuses like 'lost track of time', 'busy', and 'forgot'. you get what i mean?"

"of course i do. it's as if he is avoiding us. like, on purpose." jimin nodded, he couldn't agree more.

jungkook hummed, glad he was understood. he'll have to admit, it was hard putting all those thoughts he had since yesterday into words. but who knew his chest would actually feel light slowly. "so, i guess he got distracted? he just wasn't paying attention. like, his mind is else where. i simply called him and he literally jumped. like, defense i guess, since he nearly elbowed me if i didn't step back."

all jimin did was nod thoughtfully, keeping a straight face. yes it was a lot to take in, maybe because how detailed the maknae explained what had happened.

"i can say that both of us were shocked. but, jin hyung was just... he just looked so... scared?" jungkook said, raising his head from the table top, collapsing on the chair, slumping. "he looked like he stabbed me or something. he was just so pale, his was shaking, and i saw how he nearly cried. like, ugh, i don't know how to explain things."

jimin's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, leaning forward closer to the younger.

"you know how someone is hyperventilating? he looked like he was one. but more of someone who seemed to be panicking. he wasn't responding to whatever i said. the only thing that he said were apologies, like 'are you okay?'s, 'sorry's."

pushing his lips forward for a pout, jimin asked. "what's wrong with that?"

jungkook shook his head. "you don't get it hyung. he was apologizing so much, as if his life depended on it. he didn't even hit me at all yet he kept it up, like he was scared that i won't forgive him? i don't know." he groaned in annoyance and confusion. "it just isn't like him hyung. we both know it. once he apologizes and we say it's fine, it's fine. no but's, no if's, everything is fine and back to normal. but what happened yesterday was so unfamiliar, unusual and scary as fuck. i swear i had to blink once or twice because i doubted it was him. i didn't recognize the voice he used while he apologized. nothing. i literally thought it wasn't him there."

"so what you're saying is that jin hyung, unusually, acts unlike himself to the point you doubt that he is our hyung at all?" jimin asked incredulously. "i asked you to see if there's anything wrong with him, jungkook. not to make sure whether he's our hyung or not."

jungkook groaned, rolling his eyes. "come on hyung, you know very well that's not what i meant." he stated, now eyeing the older in the eyes. "yes, he's still our hyung. but he isn't the same. he wasn't the hyung i talked to and knew ever since i was fifteen, hyung."

jimin sighed. "so there is something wrong with seokjin hyung, after all?"

jungkook shook his head, pursing his lips. "i don't know what's wrong but we do know there is something wrong." he sighed, fiddling with his fingers on the table. "but what i am so sure about that even you can't stop me from from thinking otherwise is that what ever happened yesterday was not jin hyung."

multi faced // kim seokjin //Where stories live. Discover now