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"I did it, but somehow I don't feel very pleased," Adrien groaned.

"What?" Plagg frowned. "Marinette definitely looked like she was having fun."

"Yeah, but did you know how many times she said I was just a friend to her?" (Adrien, you deserve this!)

"Aww, are you two lovely couples out on a date?" The old woman came up to them. "Oh, I remember when I was still young."

"Actually," Marinette spoke up. "We're just friends." She gave the woman back her own sweet smile that Adrien could melt into.

"Oh really? Well you two do look perfect together," The woman chuckled. "I can't wait till the day you two see each other as more than just friends."

Adrien couldn't wait either, but Marinette had just made it clear. She said it again and it made his heart fall apart a little.

Maybe this was how she felt when he used the same friend treatment on her. After all Marinette liked someone else now.

Even though Marinette still sorta liked him still, he still wasn't very happy about that. He needed her to love both sides of him, and not just one.

But while he was trying to figure out his feelings for Marinette, he was also trying to figure out about what to do with Ladybug.

Obviously he hadn't gotten over his feelings for her yet, but what we're the chances of Ladybug accepting him back after he broke her heart into two?

"Maybe you should got visit Marinette," Plagg suggested, "and talk things out with her. As Cat Noir."

"Great idea."

"Yes, but you will do that," Plagg exclaimed as he spread out his tiny hands (is it hands that the kwamis have?!)  "After you give me my cheese!"

Adrien rolled his eyes but didn't complain, after all Plagg was actually helping out with this mess, even though he didn't like helping with ladies and crushes.


"It's weird though. Why would Adrien ask me to hang out with him?"

Tikki literally face palmed herself (like I'm doing right now) "Maybe, it's because he finally realizes his feelings for you?"

"Yeah, but... No," Marinette sighed. "I already moved on to someone else. Cat Noir is my crush now."

Tikki sighed. "Uh huh, okay. Why?"

"I don't know, I just like him," Marinette flopped down on her bed. "I mean, not saying that my hangout with Adrien wasn't good. It's just that... Whatever. I doubt he even likes me anyway. And why now?"

A knock came interrupting her. She looked up, her wide smile spreading, until she realized it wasn't Cat Noir.

"Hey Alya." Marinette let her best friend in after Tikki was able to find a hiding spot to hide.

"Hey gurl," Alya said. She too also had a huge smile on her face. After she took a seat she turned to Marinette. "So spill!"

"What do you mean?" Marinette frowned. Had Alya figured out her crush on Cat Noir.

"I saw you and Adrien today," Alya exclaimed. "Don't even try to hide a single detail. Now tell me all the deets."

Marinette sighed and took a friend next to her friend. "Alya, I don't... Like Adrien anymore."

Alya gasped and stood up. "You telling me you like someone else?! Who could this boy be?! Why move on from Adrien so easily?! Marinette, answer me!!!"

"Alya, calm down and I'll answer all your questions. The thing is, it's not like Adrien is going to like me back, but falling for someone else was unexpected." Marinette looked down.

"Is he better than Adrien?" Alya asked, referring to the guy Marinette liked now.

"Well, I wouldn't day better... I mean, I still like Adrien, but as a friend. I don't know, this is complicated!" Marinette shuddered. "Besidee, I shared my first kiss with him."

Alya gasped. "You kissed Adrien?!"

Marinette frowned. "No, your guy I like!"

"Who is that guy anyway?"

"I can't tell you yet," Marinette took a deep breath. "He's a very special someone. Caring, nice, awesome!"

"Adrien are all those things too, you know," Alya folded her arms.

"Yeah, I know, but..." Marinette looked up as she threw herself to her bed. "I like him anyway."

Alya stared at her best friend. "Whoever he is, is a lucky guy. And this is going to he easier now. Since you ready kissed him, I guess he likes you too?"

Marinette froze. She remembered when Cat Noir had asked her that question, and had looked unsatisfied with it. Did he really want her to like some other boy?

What if Cat Noir wanted her to like another boy so he wouldn't have to worry about breaking her heart?! What if he was going to set her up with some random boy just to make her not like him anymore?!

Marinette gulped. Cat Noir liked her back, right? Or else why else would he kiss back?

Marinette gasped when she heard another knocking. Jumping out of her bed, she looked to see who it was.

"Marinette," Alya gasped, looking from the superhero back to the girl. "Why is Cat Noir visiting you?!"

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