Chapter 13

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13.Perfectly Wrong.

The next morning,Shivaay woke up to an empty bed.He watched as Annika emerged out of the bathroom wiping her face with a towel.The ususal smile on her face was missing,it looked gloomy and Shivaay knew the exact reason behind it.

He wanted to talk to her first thing in the morning,but he overslept or maybe Annika woke up early,he didn't know.He glanced the clock and found it to be the later.

He quickly got out of the bed and before he could approach her,Annika spoke in a cold tone."I'll make your espresso,you can go and freshen up".

He knew that was intentionally done,just so that she can tell him in her way that she's not interested to talk to him.

Shivaay simply decided to follow what she asked him.You see,that's what being married does to you.


After a while,Shivaay walked to the small coffee table with Annika sitting across,sipping her tea.

As soon as Shivaay walked towards it,Annika kept her cup on the table and stood up to leave.Shivaay couldn't take it anymore and grabbed her wrist as she tried to walk past him.

"You know you can't avoid me like that,Annika.Give me the time to apologise atleast."

Annika gave a laugh with no humour in it."Apologise for what Shivaay?For being unreasonable or for showing me my place in your life.Oh,or for proving how wrong I was when I thought that we were finally working this out?"

Shivaay pulled her towards him in a swift motion."I know you are hurt,but please don't ever think that you don't have a special place in my life or my heart".

"Trust me,this would have worked like you wanted it to if you would have told me this some other time,but not now when I clearly understand things.It was infact my fault in the first place,I should have not let you control me in the beginning itself,you're so used to it now that you think of me of as a puppet you own.",she angrily spoke trying to escape his firm hold.

That was the final blow to Shivaay."Will you ever stop coming to your own conclusions?I was not trying to control you,damn it!I just couldn't stand you talking to some other man like the way you do to me.I don't want you to find anyone better than me.I'm selfish when it comes to you,you better deal with it.",Shivaay was equally angry now,his initial plan of sorting things out with a nice talk was thrown out of the window,all thanks to his temper.

"Deal with it?Oh tell me when did I not deal with it?Did I not deal when you gave me no respect as your wife?Did I not deal when you decided to accused me of something I would never even think of in my wildest dreams?",Annika now had everything in her coming out.

Shivaay's grip on her loosened at that.His mind went back to how he had accused her once,all because of Daksh.But they've come a long way after that. Didn't they?

"What happened now?No come backs?Or are you thinking of something else to accuse me of?I know you never regarded our marriage or me for that matter.But atleast,can you not throw it in my face?",Annika didn't wanted to hold back now.

She was done being the always understanding one.

"Annika,it's not like that to me anymore.I'm trying to be a better person for you",he whispered the last part.

"And what about all the times you've made me feel small,Shivaay?If you're really trying,then what about last night?",She was still held by him and did not like that at all.

"You're misunderstanding it Annika,it's not like what you're thinking.It's just that I-I..",Shivaay didn't know what to say as he himself didn't clearly know why he did what he did last night.

"You still can't look beyond lineage and bloodline and wasn't that the reason for you to avoid me throughout the party?You were ashamed to stand by me last night?Weren't you?And when I started talking to a man,you were by my side.Why?Because you don't trust me.Isn't that what it is?",Annika completed his sentence shocking Shivaay to the core.

Did he really make her feel like that.Never did he ever think of it like that,what more insecurities did she had buried within her?

"Do you really think that low of me?You could have told me to be by your side.You always prefer being on your own otherwise at parties and that's the reason I decided to let it to be the same last night as well.I never knew that you would take it in this way.",Shivaay cupped her face,lowering his tone.He spoke further,

"I'm sorry if I ever made you feel unwanted.You're way too special to me Annika,beyond anyone can think of and your bloodline or lineage doesn't matter to me anymore.I know I should have told you this long back,I'm proud of who you are. Unabashedly yourself,the strong woman that you are.The perfect daughter,sister to everyone else.The perfect friend and wife to me.You're the best thing ever to happen to me.",Shivaay,for the first time in his life expressed things verbally.But he knew this was necessary,his wife needed this assurance.

Annika on the other hand didn't know what to say,she have been thinking wrong all these while.She thought of it to be something else and hence reacted like that last night.

Tears started spilling out of her eyes at Shivaay's confession.She was important to him,for the first time in her life,she felt cherished and important to someone.The overflow of emotions escaped her eyes in the form of tears.

Shivaay hugged her immediately whispering sweet nothings to her ear.Annika hugged him tighter as she sobbed more.

"And about you talking to Vikram,you are right I was by your side because I saw you both talking,but not because I didn't trust you,but I didn't like him making you laugh like I do.I don't want anyone else to take my place in your life.Never.",It was now Shivaay's turn to let his insecurities out as he spoke still hugging her closer as Annika sobbed.

"He is not even as funny as you.",Annika whispered cutely in between her sobs making Shivaay chuckle as well.

"That I know,you like my dark humour more than anything else.",Shivaay joked while getting out of their hug.

Annika hit him on his shoulder while wiping her tears with the back of her other palm.Shivaay pulled her closer and took her hand off her face replacing it with his thumb.He wiped her tears away and leaned closer."Never ever come to a conclusion without talking to me and I'll do the same,alright?",he spoke softly earning a nod from Annika.

He hugged her once again,with her head on his chest.He whispered again,"I'm sorry,Annika."

I seriously don't know what this is.But I'm happy with whatever this turned out to be.

I know the precap is not included here,but I have something else planned.

Also,at this stage it would be stupid for them to 'realise their love' so soon.But they would surely have some progression.

I was initially not planning to update it,but all thanks to Ayesha @cocoacherry  ❤️
Thank you always being so lovely babe💕

Do let me know about the chapter.

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