Lazy Day | R.M

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WORD COUNT: 568 words


It was already past 10 in the morning and you still haven't done anything productive. You just laid down in the couch waiting for Rami to finish taking a bath. Both of you have been dating for two years now.

When you first started dating, it was the best thing that happened to you. You never thought a guy like him would every lay his eyes on you when you first met. Since then, he started to court you to the point that you started to fall for him too. There would be times when you would fight but in the end, both of you would just shrug it off and end up cuddling each.

You never thought you would be dating one of the most talented actors in Hollywood and the actor who recently just got an Oscar award. You were just an ordinary person before you dated him but because of him, you became famous too in person and in every social media you have. Now, you have been part in some other movies as extra and that was already enough for you.

"What do you wanna do today, love?" Rami asked, his hair still wet from the shower. He sat beside you in the couch and placed an arm around your shoulders.

"I don't know. I don't feel like doing anything today." You respond and snuggled to him. Not caring that water was dripping from his hair.

"Wanna watch Bohemian Rhapsody again?"

"Again? We watched it for like ten times already, Rami." You said.

You and Rami shared the same apartment. He got it as a gift for you during your one year anniversary. It was also the year that he was done filming Bohemian Rhapsody and both of you got to spend more time together.

Every time both of you would feel lazy, you'll just stay in the apartment. You either sleep until its already late in the afternoon or just lay in the couch together and watch a movie.


It was already three o'clock in the afternoon. Both of you just finished eating lunch. You were too lazy to cook so you just decided to eat instant noodles. Luckily, there were still two left in the cabinet.

After eating, both of you cuddled each other in the couch again and didn't do anything else.

"Wanna go for a walk instead?" You suggested while still cuddling Rami.

"Nope, too lazy to walk right now."

"Same, I don't know why I suggested that."

"Let's just watch a movie or something." Rami said and pulled away from you to get the remote.

"Alright, I'll go get the chips. Just not Bohemian Rhapsody again okay?" You said and stood up to get some Doritos in the kitchen. You heard Rami chuckled on what you said.

You ended up staying in the living room, cuddling with Rami and eating chips and drinking soda all night while watching Netflix.

In the middle of the movie, Rami would always tell you how much he loves you and and he would give small kisses all over your face.

"You know I love you right, Y/N?"

"Yes. Yes I do love you, Rami."

You and Rami would do this all over again every weekend before both of you had to go to work again. Just being together in your apartment is enough for you both.

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