When Did You Stop Loving Me? | R.M

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title: when did you stop loving me by hunter hayes

WORD COUNT: 702 words


when did you stop loving me?
you let me down so perfectly
and you walked away so easily
baby, tell me, when did you stop loving me?

It has been a week since you ended things together with Rami. Your long distance relationship didn't make you stronger. You had fights almost every other day through phone.

Every night you would cry to sleep, longing for Rami to come back to your apartment and cuddle with you in your bed. One night, you just couldn't take it anymore. He was out for almost a year and things just weren't the way it used to be.

tell me, when did you give up on us?
did i love too much or not enough?
and is there someone else you're thinking of?
and when did you give up on us?

Rami sat in his couch in his own apartment. For a week, he haven't been outside. For a week, all he did was lock himself in his room. All he could think of was you and he can't get over the fact you were the one who ended your relationship.

Rami knew how you're affected by his acting career in a good and bad way. He thought the reason of you breaking up with him was that you found someone new when he was away. But you knew Y/N wasn't that kind of girl.

what do i do
with the mess you made of me?
with all that i lose
i think you owe me one thing
no, i don't need your reasons
or your sympathy
girl, just tell me, when did you stop loving me?

The night of your last fight was the worst before you ended it. You didn't want everything between you two to end but you're hurting so much that it's already unbearable.

"I can't take it anymore, Rami." You said when you were crying and looked at him. His eyes were bloodshot and already puffy from crying too.

"Don't do this, Y/N. I love you so much and I can't handle using you." Rami begged and got on his knees and hugged you.

More tears came out of your eyes. It was so hard to let go of Rami but you had to do this for both of your sake.

You tried to pull Rami away from you but he forced himself to stay. "I'm sorry. I don't know if I love you anymore." That was all you could say to make him pull away from you.

Your room was a mess. You haven't cleaned your apartment for a week. You just ate chips for the whole week after the break up. It hurt more when you let him go but you can't go back anymore. Rami wouldn't accept you anymore after what you did.

"You don't mean that. I know you still love me, Y/N." Rami said in panicked and grabbed your hands. "You love me, sweetheart."

You pulled your hands away from his. "I don't know anymore. I can't do it. It's hurting me already." You said softly. Your throat already throbbing from shouting with Rami a while ago.

"Is this how you really want to end things between us? Is this how you want it to end?" Rami asked but you didn't answer. "Answer me, Y/N!"

"Yes!" You shouted back at him and breathe heavily. Rami couldn't believe what you said.

is this really how you want it to end?
with a lie of love
and the loss of a friend
now i'm scared of lovin' anynody else again

All you could think of was what Rami asked you before he walked out of your apartment with his things. You didn't know how to answer his question. And that was the last thing he said.

"When did you stop loving me, Y/N?" Rami asked when he reached the door. You went silent and didn't know what to answer him.

Rami sighed and walked out. The last thing you heard was the door closed.

is this how you want it to end?
when did you stop loving me?

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