Twin Rival | R.M

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Y/E/C - your eye color

WORS COUNT: 1.6k words


"You like her too?"

Sami nodded at Rami as an answer. Rami was asking his twin brother if he liked Y/N since Sami was already flirty and showing signs towards you.

Sami was aware of Rami's feelings for you. You three were best friends since birth. You were also neigbors with the Malek family and you would also hang out together including their older sister, Jasmine.

"You are aware of my feelings for her, right?" Rami asked him.

"I know. But I can't help it. She is just so..." It took him a while to get the right word. "...different."

He heard Rami groaned in frustration and was about to walk out until Sami spoke.

"It's not only you who can like her, brother."

And that took Rami back. Of course. He doesn't own you but he didn't want you to go to someone else rather than him even if it's his own twin brother. He knows his selfish but he just can't. He loved you since you were little.

"Fine. But I'm going to win her heart. Whatever it takes." Rami said.

"It's on, brother."


Y/N was watching TV with the twin's older sister, Jasmine. Just then, Rami and Sami came out of the room where they were talking and Sami saw Y/N sitting. He took advantage of it and went to her.

"Hey, Y/N." He made it loud enough to let Rami hear and it worked. Rami then looked at Sami and glared at him.

"Would you want to go for a walk with me after watching?" Sami asked.

And of course, this was normal for Y/N as they're best friends too. She gave him a smiled and responded. "Sure, I would walk with you. I also need to buy food so just go with me."

Sami was shock but he needed this to test Rami's patience and how he would handle this.

"Sure." Sami said.

"We can go now." Y/N said. "Jasmine, let's continue this some other time." She said and went to get her purse and coat from the hanger on the door. Sami also got a coat of his own and openes the door for Y/N.

"Take care, you two!" Jasmine said. Sami looked at Rami once again and gave a grin before going outside.

Rami groaned and stormed going to the room and shut the door loud that made Jasmine jump. And thought of Rami confusingly.

"What's the matter with him?" She mumbled under her breath but shrugged it off and continued watching the TV.

After almost an hour of Y/N and Sami walking and going to the grocery together, they went back to their house and found Rami just using his phone in the couch. He heard the door open and giggles but he knew it was them. He felt jealousy run through his veins when he hear Y/N laugh because of his brother.

"Hey Rami!" He heard Y/N call him and felt his heart beat. He stopped using his phone and looked at her.

Rami looked at her for a moment and saw Sami smirked at him. He clenched his hand and went towards Y/N.

LOVE OF MY LIFE ↬ r. malek  ✓Where stories live. Discover now