We're Only Pretending, Mr. Malek | R.M

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A/N: this will be part 3 of the Mr. Malek miniseries, "Jealous, Mr. Malek?" and "Drunk Mr. Malek"

WORD COUNT: 2.0k words



Mr. Malek could only nod his head at you. You were inside his office since he called you. You were sitting infront of him.

"You are kidding, right?" You asked him back, confusingly.

"I just didn't know who to ask. You are my only close female friend." He said.

"You can just tell your mom that you don't have a girlfriend yet." You argued back. "We don't have to pretend that we are together, Mr. Malek."

"Yeah and she's going to tell me again that i'm a thirty-eight year old man, who doesn't have a wife yet." He said. He placed his head on both his hand and looked down.

It was true. He didn't have a wife or someone special to him, except for his family. He was so focused on his company that he didn't have time to meet someone nor still confessed to you. After that night when he got drunk, you never told him what he told you.

"I like Y/N."

"She's just so different."

"She looks so beautiful when she works."

All those flashbacks replayed inside your head again but you shook it off. You knew you like him. Hell, you couldn't help it. You felt bad for him.

You want to do it, Y/N.

You sighed and stood up from your chair. You walked towards him and placed a hand on his back.

"I'll do it, Sir." You said. He looked up to you and you gave him a smile.

"Look, Y/N, you don't have to--"

"I want to, Sir." You insisted.

Y/N, what are you doing?

He suddenly stood up and just looked at you. He then wrapped his arms around you and that made your eyes widen.

"Thank you, Y/N." He whispered in your ear and that gave you chills. You hugged him back and you stayed there for a few seconds until there was a knock on the door.

Rami pulled you away and you arranged your hair and your outfit and both of you pretended that nothing happened. You sat on the chair that you sat before and sat up straight.

"C-come in!" Mr. Malek said, nervously. The door then opened and it was one if his employee.

"Sir, Mr. Lee is here for the meeting." She said.

"I'll be there in a minute. Thank you." He replied back. The employee just nodded and closed the door as soon as she went out.

That was close.

He turned to look at you and spoke. "I'll see you later, Miss Y/L/N."

You nodded and stood up to go out of his office but you forgot to ask him something. You looked back to him and asked. "When's the family gathering, Sir?"

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