Photoshoot | R.M

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Y/F/N - your friend's name

title: focused by enesse

WORD COUNT: 2.2k words


You were a part-time model who models for advertisements, especially for clothing brands. Luckily, Y/F/N is your agent so she tells you what your photo-shoots will be and who you will be shooting with.

But this day, wasn't so lucky for you.


"I know, I know, Y/N. But you really don't have a choice. I mean you do but it's your career we're talking about here." Your friend said through the phone.

"You are fucking kidding me, right? I can't work with him. He's just...ugh! After what he did? I can't. I just can't." You said and sat down on your bed. You already felt wrinkles forming in your eyebrows.

"But they chose you and him. I know things didn't work with the both of you, but it's for your career. Not for you guys to make up with each other. Well, that's your choice already. Plus, this is a huge project. You could earn a lot. And when I say a lot I mean a lot." Y/F/N said emphasizing a lot.

You sighed and said, "Give me time. I'll think about it, Y/F/N." You ended the call after that. You laid down and suddenly thought about him.

Rami Malek. You haven't seen him for a year now since you guys broke up. You dated for almost three years until he did something stupid that caused you to break up with him. Well, he made out with another girl.

He claimed that he was drunk that night, then suddenly a girl went over him and they started making out. The worst thing was, you knew it from one of his friends who went to the party with him. You didn't believe at first until he showed you a picture. When Rami got home, you already packed your things and didn't give him time to explain.

You had to go out and pursue your dream in modeling and also to forget about him. At least this issue didn't go public. Your relationship was private but some people knew about it. And now you had to work with him. Great.

You groaned and stood up to get your coat from the hanger. I need some fresh air to think about this.


"Alright, Y/F/N. I'm doing it. For my career. Not for that bastard." You said and took a sip of your coffee.

"Great! I'll tell them that you already approved. Just remember to relax and forget about the both of you. Just your career, alright?" She said.

"It's been a year now, Y/F/N. I'll be fine." You said. Hopefully I will be. You thought in your head.

"I'll see you tomorrow then. Rest well and don't be late like the last time!" She exclaimed through the phone. You chuckled and remembered how you came to work late because you overslept.

"I won't." You said and ended the call. You looked at yourself in the mirror and told yourself, "You're going to be fine. It's just Rami. You've forgotten about what happened."

You sighed and thought about him. You're not really a hundred percent sure that you got over him. Your heart would ache every time people would mention him, especially in televisions. You wanted to talk to him, but you just couldn't. You were scared he might do it again.

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