↝ 365 days | snafu

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imagine this

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365 days

It has been a year since you last saw each other.

It has a been a year since Merriell went to fight in the war.

Y/N sent him letters yet you only received one reply from him.

She don't know whether he was dead or still fighting.

"Snafu, what you drinking for?" Snafu heard Sledge said and sat down in front of him.

"I miss my wife." Snafu replied and gulped the champagne that he was drinking.

"Don't worry, a week more and we can go home." Sledge said and poured a bottled of champagne to his glass.

Snafu looked out to the window and just watched the sunset. He thought of you and he smiled thinking that he will be home soon.


a week later...

Y/N did her usual routine in the morning. As she was done cooking, she sat down in the dining table alone. She couldn't help but think of Merriell. She remembered how they eat together and just talk all day long.

While she was eating, she heard a knock in the door. She stood up and went to open the door to see who it was. As soon as she opened the door, she couldn't believe who she saw.

"Merriell?" Y/N mumbled and Snafu gave her a smile.

"Surprise." He said and opened his arms for her. She hugged him and cried because he was home.

"You're here. You're home." Y/N said while hugging him. Snafu pulled away and pressed his lips to hers for a moment. They continued hugging and Y/N said,

"Don't go back."

Snafu smiled and felt his eyes water.

"I'm not leaving you again."

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