Birthday Surprise | R.M

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A/N: i know rami & sami have the same birthdays since they are twins but this one will just be about rami so don't get confused. maybe pretend they're not twins just for this chapter. thank you for understanding!

WORD COUNT: 1.5k words


dedicated to the one and only Rami Malek. happy birthday!


may 12, 2019

You were at home with your husband's family. You were preparing for Rami's birthday today. You wanted to give him a little surprise for him.

You have been married with Rami for a year now. Both of you are happy and are contented with the simple life you had even though Rami is an actor.

You were cooking the food for the small guests who will arrive later at the party. Rami's sister, Jasmine, was helping you cook food while his brother, Sami, and other relatives were preparing the decorations in your yard.

Rami was out for filming and he said he would come back later afternoon. You took advantage of the time to prepare for a simple birthday celebration for him.

"Are you excited for the big surprise that you're going to give him?" Jasmine asked you while cooking.

"Excited and a little nervous." You answered.

"Nervous? He's going to love it so don't be." She said to make you feel less nervous.

"This is going to be huge for him. What if he doesn't want this? Or what if he isn't ready for this?" You blurted out. Jasmine placed both her hands on your shoulder.

"He will love it, Y/N. If he doesn't, I will surely kick his ass. It's Rami that were talking about here." She said and gave you a hug. You hugged her back and felt relieved.

"Decorations are ready!" You heard Sami's voice in your yard. You gave Jasmine a smile before finishing your cooking to take a look at your yard.


It was already noon and Rami would be almost done by now. You were upstairs in your bedroom to pick an outfit to wear for the party. You just chose a simple white dress.

After you were done changing, you looked at your bed to see your present for him. You walked towards the bed and opened the box and looked at what was inside once again. A smile appeared in your face. You were excited to give him this gift and hoping that he would love it as much as you do. You rubbed your belly with your hand before going out and wait for Rami to arrive.

Guests started to arrive at your house. Most of them were celebrities that were friends and co-stars of Rami. Your family also arrived since you told them the surprise that you're going to give to him.

"Mom! Dad!" You called then as soon as you saw then come in the gate. "You made it."

"Wouldn't want to see the look of Rami's face when you reveal it." Your dad said and that made you giggle.

"How are you feeling lately?" Your mom asked.

"I feel okay, mom. I just have to get used to the feeling." You answered before letting them in your yard to sit down.

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