Chapter One

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Tears blurred Adora's vision once more as she watched the men lower her father's coffin into the ground. She dabbed her face to wipe her tears away and guided her mother's head to lean on her shoulder. Her mother sobbed uncontrollably ever since the death of her father- and understandably so. Adora knew she'd be just as heartbroken if her husband of twenty six years was suddenly taken away from her. Ever since the funeral started and the casket was rolled into the parlor the waterworks began up until she fainted.

It wasn't until they reached the cemetery that her mother cried so much that she fainted yet again. It was only a few minutes since she regained consciousness. More tears fell from her eyes when the pastor and the rest of her family and her father's friends sang Amazing grace did she breakdown. She had been holding everything in so that she could stay strong for her mother.

He's really gone... forever...

A loud cry emitted from Adora. She let out a doleful wailed for the loss of her dear father. He was a firm but gentle man; a man that could make light of any situation, a man who showed her how a man should rightfully treat her and love his wife dearly without doubt. A man who could make the most introverted person his friend and would help anyone in need. It was no wonder he had so many friends and people who loved him. Though he was only a mere factory worker, he was a respectable and honest man.

She sobbed with no signs of stopping as she remembered all his words of wisdom and the times they spent together. Though he would be tired, he always made time for family and never complained. Her legs grew weak and soon she fell to the ground.

She prostrated and screamed on the ground. Seeing her father being buried really made her realize that he wasn't coming back. It wasn't long after when her mother and the rest of her family began to cry again. His death really took a toll on the family. She cried to the point where she felt a terrible headache and soon after, she began to hyperventilate.
The last thing Adora saw was the feet of her two cousins approaching before she blacked out.


When Adora woke up she found herself on the sofa with her family gathered around in the living room. Slowly, she sat up and looked around. Her mother's head turned to look at her. "Oh, you're awake. Have some water." Her mother passed her a bottle of water for her to drink.

"How are you feeling?" Quinton, her cousin asked. She shrugged, she was still a bit disoriented. It would take a while for her to accept that her father had died. "Thanks for the water mom." Adora joined in the conversation her family were having. They reminisced on the good times they shared with her father.

That night, Adora and her mother sat at the dining table to eat dinner. Adora barely touched her food and mostly concentrated on moving the food about the plate.

"Well, it's just you and me now..." Her mother voiced as she stared at her plate. Her face was solemn with grief as her eyes turned glossy with tears. Adora knew that her mother was taking it hard; the dark circles under her eyes and the lack of glimmer in her eyes was a telltale sign.

She reached across the table and placed her hand a top her mother's own. "Mom, you need to eat." Her mother huffed out a breath and casted a glance at her. "So, do you. You haven't touched your food." Adora nodded.

"Mom I've been thinking," She began, "You're going to need help with the bills and so on. You can't handle all the bills on your own with your salary."

"We'll be fine honey. Your father left enough money to get us by for a while. I was thinking that you could use that money and go to college or start up your business, just like you wanted."

"But what about the mortgage? I had a look at the bank statements mom, we're months behind in payments. The money dad left is just enough to clear it."

"Adora, don't worry about that. I- I can pay that from my salary. I want you to follow your dreams. You're the only child your father and I have and... even if we had a tough life growing up we don't want the same for you. We want you to succeed. Your father would have agreed with me to send you to college with his savings."

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