Chapter Two

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There was a knock at Kenneth's door. He arose from his seat and walked to the door. "Who is it?"

"Your Highness, it is Michael." Kenneth opened the door and let the servant into his office.

"Good evening Sir." Michael bowed before him.

"Good evening Michael."

Michael smiled, "Sir, their royal highnesses the king and queen wishes to see you in the throne room immediately."

Prince Kenneth nodded, "Tell them that I will be with them shortly. You may leave."

Michael bowed his head then nodded and said, "Thank you sir."

Kenneth sighed. He was extremely tired after a seven hour flight from America to Kendeléh. What could his parents want to tell him that was so urgent. When he returned to the Palace, he had specifically told them and the servants that he wished not to be disturbed; he wanted to rest. Kenneth figured the only way he would know what they wanted was if he went to the Throne room to speak with them. The faster he moved, the sooner he would return to relax.

Finding his resolve, Kenneth stood up and left his office. He navigated his way through the immaculate corridors that lead to the Throne room. His eyes roamed around the hallway as he passed through. He looked up at the high ceilings, the painting of angels and Jesus and his disciples at the last supper was still vivid as when it was initially painted in the seventeenth century by several Kendélen artists and a French painter.
From the ceiling dangled many immaculate crystal chandeliers lined with gold; just like the pure gold trimmings on the wall. His eyes glanced at the large portraits of all his ancestors; the past Kings and Queens of Kendéle. He slowed his steps to gaze at his parents' portrait.

His father stood tall and upright in a crisp three piece suit. His stance was authoritative and confident. His chest was swollen with pride. The king's hand rested on his mother's shoulder while his right hand held his golden scepter. His mother sat on the chair with poise and dignity. Though it was only a painting, the artist managed to capture her humble, feminine grace as she sat in her purple frock with her crown of many jewels on her head.

Together, they were a force to be reckoned with. They balanced each other completely; which was one of the reasons Kendéle continued to be successful after the king, his father took over from his father. It was funny for him to think that one day, his portrait with his queen by his side would be on that wall.

How time flies. He thought. It seemed like it was only yesterday that he was a sixteen year old boy. Now, he has become a man and has come to a point where there should be a bit of concern for marriage. After all, he is the future king of Kendéle and the country would ask for a queen to rule by his side.

Kenneth came out of his thoughts and hurried to the throne room greeting the servants he passed in the corridors. It was frowned upon to keep the King and Queen waiting. The heels of his shoes briskly clicked against the freshly waxed marble floors. When he came to the great golden doors of the throne room, the royal guards removed their spears which blocked anyone from entering unless they were summoned.

When the doors opened Kenneth entered into the majestic throne room. He walked on the red carpet, leading to the raised throne of his mother and father. Twelve Royal advisers sat below the throne- six on each side, seated in silver chairs. He reached the stairs of the throne and bowed before the king and queen. The king stood and held out his scepter for Kenneth to touch it.

"Father, mother, you wished to see me."

The king nodded, "Yes son; welcome."

"Welcome my child." Said the queen. Kenneth's father continued, "We have called you here to discuss a pressing matter."

In The Name Of The KingWhere stories live. Discover now