Chapter 7

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I was surprised to find my usual seat in the spectator area taken when we arrived that morning. "What's going on?" I asked as I slid in next to Mrs. Ack. "Everyone's here to see your brother in action." She told me. "You're father is going to so proud when he gets back."

I tried to blink back my confusion. All these people were here, by their own good will, to watch Hiccup?

Just a few years ago when our father had to go to a Chief gathering on another island the woman who had watched us made it quiet clear that she was there by order of the Chief of Berk.

But now there were more then a few people jockeying for a good view of my brother.

It wasn't long before Hiccup had the Gronckle unconscious before him and Gobber dismissed them. I pushed through the overly excited crowd to catch Hiccup before he disappeared.

By the time I got through Hiccup had made it halfway back to the village and wasn't alone.

The twins, Fishlegs and Snotlout were crowded around him asking questions about what he'd done in that ring and telling him how it was so cool. I heard him say something about catching up with them and ducked past Astrid who was sulking a few feet behind them.

A few minutes later he doubled back and head for the woods. Just like before I followed him a bit farther then lost him. I made a mental note of my surroundings and headed back to the village.


I spotted Fishlegs reading The Book of Dragons as I entered The Great Hall and was on my way over to him when Aric blocked my path.

"You were told to stay away from me. Fishlegs is right over there." I warned him.

"I'm going ok." He told me, clearly annoyed. "I just wanted to know if you know how your brother did that trick in the ring today."

"Your guess is as good as mine." I said as I tried to side step him.

"Do you think he'd show me?" He asked, a little more excited. "You'd have to ask him." I said and tried another dodge.

"Ok, where is he?" Aric asked, eyes gleaming. "I don't know." I sighed exasperatedly. "In case you haven't noticed we aren't joined at the hip."

"Fine, you can teach me." He said, as if I was the final option.

"What?" I screeched. "What on Thor's flat earth makes you think I know what he did or that I'd teach you anything?!"

I finally managed to push past him and stomp over to Fishlegs' table.


The next few days gave me serious case of déjà vu.

Everyday was more or less the same. Hiccup would defeat the dragon of the day then rush off into the woods. I'd follow him a little farther everyday day but eventually lose him.

Once I made it to The Great Hall I'd be bombarded with questions from kids and adults alike until Hiccup would come in and thankfully steal everyone's attention. This would give me some time to read with Fishlegs before walking home to start all over again.

I didn't expect today to be any different as Gobber strolled to the front of the arena.

"We have a new dragon in the ring today. Was caught just yesterday and has quite the spirit." He announced. "Introducing the Scuttleclaw."

He pulled the lever with gusto and a dark blue Scuttleclaw with yellow swirls emerged.

Scuttleclaws weren't common on Berk so I knew I only had a few minutes to study this dragon before Hiccup took it down. I had read about Scuttleclaws with Fishlegs a few days ago.

They were energetic creatures that looked like a cross between a Nadder and a Zippleback. They weren't exactly big dragons but this one seemed a bit on the small side.

There was something different about this dragon. It didn't seem to target any of the teens specifically, it  just chased whoever was closest as if this was a game of tag.

It never fired. Not even when Tuffnut and Ruffnut backed it against a wall. It merely jumped over their heads and chased Snotlout instead.

Hiccup finally guided it back it's cage with a beam of light reflected off his shield and the show was over.

From where I sat I could still see the dragon trying to push the locked door open and I felt a pang of guilt.

It didn't understand it was trapped. No matter what it did there was no getting out of that cage.

I couldn't bring myself to follow Hiccup when he ran off. I needed to know what was off with that Scuttleclaw. Once the spectators were gone I offered to help Gobber clean the arena and set up for tomorrow.

"Where did you find that dragon?" I asked as I swept up bits of shattered shields. "The Scuttleclaw? She was in a trap in woods. The men found her yesterday. She's got quite a spirit." He answered.

"Is she sick or something?" I pressed. "She's awful small for a grown dragon."

"Aye. That's cause she's not a grown dragon. Just a shortwing, can't be any older then six months."

I felt my jaw go slack and my heart began to pound in my chest. Fighting grown dragons was one thing but baby ones were another story.

"It's not as bad as it sounds lassi." Gobber started again. "Dragons age differently than Vikings. That dragon would be about your age."

He did a final check to make sure the cages were all locked tight. "I appreciate the help Freya. I'll see you tomorrow."

Now that I was alone I could hear rustling coming from the Scuttleclaw's cage.

I knew better than to stick my hand through the bars but didn't think anyone would mind if I touched the door.

The dragon peared out at me and gave a scared, pleading moan. "I'm so sorry." I whispered and forced myself to The Great Hall.


I didn't feel like eating that night.

All I could think about was that poor Scuttleclaw.

Had anyone fed her? Was she warm enough? She was still so little. Could she even survive without her mother?

Even studying The Book of Dragons didn't seem to snap me out of it.

"What do we know about dragon development?" I asked, interrupting Fishlegs from the page he was reading.

"Not much." He said, flipping through the pages. "Why do you ask?" "Just curious." I shrugged. Fishlegs turned to the page dedicated to the dragon life cycle.

"There are five stages in a dragon's growth." He read aloud. "The egg, the tiny tooth, the short wing, the broad wing and titan wing. Most dragons that we come in contact with are in the broad wing stage. In fact titan wings are so rare that most dragons can't even live to become one."

"Does it go into detail about short wings?" I asked as I scanned the page. Fishlegs shook his head.

I pulled the book closer and gave the page a thorough examination. Practically nothing on shortwings.

All the stages were a bit vague to be honest. Although that was to be expected. One could only observe so much seeing as just about every dragon was 'extremely dangerous' and was to be 'killed on sight'.

"What's with the sudden interest with shortwings?" Fishlegs asked and I told him about the dragon they'd fought that day.

"I know dragons don't need to stay with their parents as long as Vikings but Gobber said she'd only be my age if she were human." I finished.

"You have a point." Fishlegs admitted. "Most dragons do stay with their packs until they're ready."

"I know it's not very warrior-like to care about the enemy but I just wish I could help her." I sighed. We both sat there. At a loss for words.

Every time the door opened I swore I heard that dragon's roar ridding in on the cold, unforgiving wind. Small, hurt, pleading and scared.

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