Chapter 14

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The sail home was a long trip. Flying was definitely faster and decidedly more fun.

Everyone on board was raving about what we had just witnessed on Dragon Island, how our heroic actions would go down in history. How we, the young warriors of Berk, had made our ancestors proud.

I swelled with pride every time someone came up to me and began reliving in the glorious details of the battle. Someone even told me they were going home to write a saga about our bravery.

Every now and then, I looked up to where our dragons were flying above our ships, following us home. A few other dragons had joined them, and for the first time, they all looked positively happy.


"Alright." The Chief announced as we docked and disembarked. "I want everyone to go home to your families and get some rest. That's an order. They'll be plenty of time to tell the tale at the feast in The Great Hall tomorrow."

Everyone started heading to their homes, shouting their good-byes. As I watched Stoick and Gobber carry Hiccup's unconscious body to the Chief's hut, I realized I didn't know where to go.

I had seen Stoick forgive Hiccup and take him back, but he hadn't said a word to me.

Was I welcome back, or was I supposed to stay with Gothi until someone sent for me?

As I was thinking it over, I felt a heavy hand on my shoulder. The Chief looked down at me.

"You know everyone's going to be talking about Hiccup's bravery for a long time." He started. "I just want you to know that I, for one, will never forget the part you played."

My heart warmed at his words. Then, he knelt to my level and enveloped me in a tight hug. "I'm very proud of you, my daughter." He whispered. I buried my face in his chest and squeezed him back.

"I love you Daddy." I said softly as he let me go. "Let's go home." He said, taking my hand. I beamed as we went.

Just me and the Chief, Stoick, my father.


Gothi was pretty busy that night.

After checking up on our scratches and bruises, she spent the rest of the night bandaging Hiccup's deep cuts and dealing with the 'damage that was too intense for a lassi my age' as Gobber put it.

But I found out by accident later.

My father and I spent long hours just sitting by Hiccup's bedside, waiting for him to wake up. (Gothi wasn't able to say when he'd come to.)

It was just a day or so after the fight with The Red Death, and I was sitting around thinking about how amazed Hiccup would be when he woke up.

Toothless was sitting with me, nudging Hiccup's arm from time to time.

Dad figured he was housebroken and had been gracious enough to let him inside ever since the dragon had never left Hiccup's side for more than five minutes.

He was pacing around the bed, trying to get comfortable when his tail pulled on the blankets. As I went to adjust them, I saw it, or rather I didn't see it.

Hiccup's left leg was gone! Everything from the knee down torn clean off! All that remained were bloody bandages around the healing stump.

I was shaken, to say the least.

An hour later, I wandered into the blacksmith shop, still thinking about the missing limb. "I know that look," Gobber said as I came in. "What's on your mind, lassi?"

I admitted to seeing the full damage they'd warned me about. Gobber assured me that Hiccup would be fine. He'd get a peg leg like Gobber and the other Vikings that had lost limbs.

But it just didn't seem right. There was no way he'd be able to work Toothless' tail fin with a wooden leg. There had to be a better way.

Then, it came to me. I was sure I had that same look on my face that Hiccup had when he got an idea. "Hiccup isn't an ordinary Viking. He needs more than a standard peg leg."

"What do you have in mind?" Gobber asked. I took him into Hiccup's workspace and showed him the schematics for Toothless' tail, and together, we worked on a unique prosthetic for a unique Viking.

When dad came to get me, he was clearly impressed. Hiccup was going to love it.

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