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Procrastinated again because I'm a lazy fucker, also a switch in perspective.

And slightly short chapter again, oops sorry.

And slightly short chapter again, oops sorry

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* Ryan's perspective *

The moon shined bright above the meadow, with a pack of wolves and one human bathing in the light.

It was soothing to Ryan. He's been with this pack for a couple years now ever since he's met his mate and he honestly wouldn't trade it for the world. His mate was Brendon who he met during school one day, this was a year before Ryan befriended Joshua at the beginning of high school, and they have been inseparable ever since.

Learning about the pack was a little difficult for Ryan.

Maybe two months after being with Brendon did his boyfriend introduce him to the pack. It was odd for Ryan but after awhile it didn't bother him anymore, in-fact he started to love it.

He just hopes his friend would at least like it.

Well, Ryan hopes so because Joshua's...mate was the leader of the pack. Ryan was surprised when he found out and was sworn not to tell his friend, of course Ryan said he wouldn't since Joshua doesn't even know about the pack but Joshua was his friend and they shared everything and keeping this away from Joshua was hurting him.

You thought that stopped there? Nope. Not only does Joshua have a mate, Joshua himself was a wolf. His friend being a late bloomer and it was rare for it to happen. The way for Joshua to turn into a wolf was to be connected with the pack itself and to be with his mate.

For Ryan, that was a bit impossible.

Brendon whined softly and snapped Ryan out of his thoughts, mates having the connection to sense each other's feelings and Brendon could tell Ryan was becoming anxious.

Ryan sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"Sorry, Bren. Just having some second guessing."

Brendon whined again and nuzzled Ryan's face, plopping down in Ryan's lap and looking out at the other wolves. Another human came into view, tugging on a shirt and looking over at Ryan with the brightest red eyes. Ryan already knew that was the alpha and didn't even blink an eye when the alpha came right over and sat next to them. Brendon acknowledged him but didn't pay any mind.

"Hey, Tyler. Looking for your weekly update?"

Joshua's mate was indeed Tyler, but of course, Joshua didn't know that or know him.

Tyler laughed at that but nodded his head.

"Still don't know why you call it that but I am."

Ryan laughed himself but shrugged his shoulders, going over details that he's gathered. It wasn't much but it was the best Ryan could do. Tyler took his leave after thanking Ryan and Ryan pulled out his phone, going over to Joshua's contact and typing out a message.

I know you're starting to understand but trust me when I say this, don't be afraid.

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