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It was still a little intimidating being surrounded by a whole pack of wolves but Tyler wanted his mate to feel more at home with the pack so Ryan suggested that they go to the meadow and it didn't take long for wolves to show up

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It was still a little intimidating being surrounded by a whole pack of wolves but Tyler wanted his mate to feel more at home with the pack so Ryan suggested that they go to the meadow and it didn't take long for wolves to show up. The last time they decided to go to the meadow, Josh had a panic attack and they had to leave early but this time felt strangely accepted. It was kind of cool watching the little pups play fight but it was a tad bit scary when one of the adults would walk by and just stare. There was one wolf that caught his eye immediately when they arrived and it was that light grey wolf with the piercing blue eyes, he remembers seeing them in his dream and it did bring a little security to him when the wolf made eye contact with him and bowed it's head as to say "hello".

Ryan smiled when one of the wolf pups happily run over to them and let out a chuckle when she jumped into Josh's lap, "Meredith, you can't just do that." Josh giggled when the little she pup licked excitedly at his face, "It's ok, Ry. She's not doing anything wrong."

Ryan rolled his eyes playfully, it was quite adorable seeing his best friend already making friends with the pups and even though Josh was apart of the pack, it was still up to the parents if they accept him or not. As if on cue, two wolves came trotting toward them and Ryan felt just a tad bit nervous.

"Hi, Zachary and Mary, Meredith is taking a liking to Josh, huh?" The dark grey wolf or Mary pawed at Ryan and let out a soft bark. Mary was probably Ryan's favorite wolf, she was the sweetest in human form and the brunet knew she would like Josh. Zachary was different though, it would probably take a while for the black wolf to get used to Josh but if Mary likes the newcomer then he has to tolerate them.

Josh flinched when Zachary picked up the small pup and narrowed his eyes at the boy which Mary noticed instantly and growled at her mate. The black wolf reluctantly put down their pup and walked off, leaving Josh to be once again bombarded by the small pup. Ryan could tell Mary felt bad for Josh and wasn't surprised when the dark grey wolf whined softly and walked over to his friend.

"Hi, Mary?" Josh questioned in a high voice as he looked over at Ryan to see if he was right which the brunet nodded his head and Josh let out a smile.

Josh gave off a confused expression when the wolf bowed her head with ears flatten, looking over to see Ryan radiating excitement and raised a brow, Ryan giggled and clapped his hands, "She accepts you!"

Josh gasped at that, "Really?" Ryan nodded his head and Josh couldn't help but smile, easily petting Mary on the head which she leaned into before pulling back and laying down. Ryan looked over to see Brendon walking over and excitedly ushered him over, Brendon laughed and plopped right down, "What's got you so happy?"

"Look!" Ryan whispered as he pointed over to Josh who was playing with Meredith while Mary watched happily. Brendon gaped at that and smiled, "I knew Mary would love him, kind of wish I made a bet on it now." Ryan nudged Brendon in the ribs while playfully rolling his eyes.

They played for a while before Mary wished them a good day (even though Josh couldn't hear her yet) and picked up Meredith as she left. It didn't take long before wolves came trotting up and, as expected, most of them accepted Josh right off the bat while others just looked at him before leaving. Tyler came walking up once the last few wolves left and sat down next to his mate, easily wrapping an arm around Josh's waist and loving the way Josh nestled into him.

"You did so well, baby." The brunet whispered as Josh started to play with his free hand, fingers tangling together and his mate let out the cutest giggle, "Thanks, it was a little overbearing but I'm glad I'm welcomed around here."

"You're always welcome here, don't ever think that you're not, ok?" Josh nodded at that and let the silence take over.

Ryan watched and smiled, feeling himself being pulled into Brendon's lap and laughed. "When do you think he'll turn?" That question caught the brunet off guard and looked at Brendon with wide eyes, earning a raised brow in return before finally forcing himself to speak, "I don't know but I hope it's soon, there's going to be a full moon in a couple of days so maybe then, but for now we wait."

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