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sorta checked through this so sorry for any typos or mistakes.

It wasn't long before Ryan was neck deep into his wolf "fantasies" and it wasn't long before Joshua was feeling stares focused at the back of his head constantly

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It wasn't long before Ryan was neck deep into his wolf "fantasies" and it wasn't long before Joshua was feeling stares focused at the back of his head constantly. Tyler was making more appearances which Joshua didn't really mind, both of them basically attached to the hip by now and Ryan was radiating excitement each time he saw the both of them together.

Joshua didn't know what Ryan was so excited, to be honest he thought Ryan would be a little upset that Joshua got a new friend but Joshua tried not to think too much of it.

Like last time, almost all of the sophomores were gone with an added factor of some juniors so the remaining sophomores that actually showed got to go home early, Tyler and Brendon joining them as well even though both of them are juniors but that didn't stop them.

The keys jingled in his hands as him and Ryan walked back to his car, pushing his glasses back up and looked back to see Brendon and Tyler looking at something on Brendon's phone.

"How long have you and Brendon been together?"

Joshua instantly felt a gaze burning at the back of his head but he ignored it easily and unlocked his car.

"About a couple months, around three or four."

Joshua just hummed and slid into the driver seat, not even blinking an eye when Tyler got into the passenger seat instead of Ryan who opted to sit in the backseat with his boyfriend. The engine hummed to life once he started the car and it was only a matter of seconds before they were out of the parking lot.

"Hey, Josh?"

Joshua hummed as a response and made a quick look up at his rearview mirror to see Brendon's head in Ryan's lap as said boy was looking at him.

"Do you think you can drop Brendon and I at my house?"

He pushed his glasses back up once again as he stopped at a stoplight.

"Yeah that's fine."

Without the car radio it was a pretty silent ride and it didn't take long before Joshua pulled him to his friends house and watched as Brendon dragged Ryan right out of the car, hearing Ryan berate Brendon as if his boyfriend was a child and waved goodbye to Joshua who easily waved back.

"Odd pair aren't they?"

Joshua giggled softly and headed off to his house, not minding driving with one hand while Tyler intertwined theirs together. They weren't a couple by any means but after just knowing each other for a week they sure did act like one.

It didn't take long until they pulled up to his house, Joshua parking on the side since he didn't even want to try to park in the driveway and he didn't want to hit his mothers car; he did not want to see her reaction if he did. Joshua rolled his eyes when he saw Jordan and Ashely waiting patiently on the concrete steps, regretfully taking his hand away from Tyler's and leaving the car. He pocketed the keys in his hoodie pocket instantly when Jordan perked up.

"Josh! Hey can we borrow your car for a bit?"

Joshua looked down at his siblings when he walked up to them.

"No you can not."

His siblings started to whine and complain as Joshua walked past them, Tyler following and watching as Joshua's siblings instantly shot up and followed them inside.

"Come on, Josh, it'll only be for a couple of hours."

Joshua gritted his teeth and turned to look at his siblings.

"For the last time, no. You are not going to use my car for your guys' bullshit and I certainly don't want another fucking ticket costing me hundreds of dollars because you ran two stoplights and wouldn't even pull over when the cop was following you! You guys took out my radio, you guys trash my car without even cleaning it up, you don't respect my shit, and for the love of god you guys don't even have permits! Unlike you guys, I have my fucking drivers license. Use moms car for all I care but you guys are never gonna use my car again."

Joshua took a deep breath and didn't wait for his siblings response before grabbing Tyler's hand and leading him upstairs. His vision was fogging up a bit but he blinked a couple times to keep the tears from spilling. Once they got to his room, Joshua took out his keys and dropped them in one of the drawers of his dresser, he knew one of them was gonna try and steal them again so he made a mental note to lock his door every time he left the room; he knew neither of them could try and crack the lock.

Joshua peeled off his sweatshirt and took of his glasses before placing them next to his laptop, grabbing said item and looking over at Tyler who stood in front of the door, silent.


That seemed to snap Tyler out of his daze, Joshua rolled his eyes again before climbing on his bed and setting his laptop on his lap. Of course, Tyler joined but he still seemed out of it, Joshua didn't make an comment about it and focused more on his homework he had to finish by tomorrow.

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