The Little Things You Do to Me

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"I'm so sleepy."

Dianne walked across Joe's bedroom and threw herself on the bed. Slowly, she crawled over towards her boyfriend, laying across him and burying her head into his shoulder.

Joe ran a hand over her arm, holding her in place. With his other hand, he brushed some of the loose strands of red hair away from her face and tucked them gently behind her ear. He closed his eyes and leaned in, pressing his lips gently against hers.

Dianne smiled into the kiss. As they laid, their lips moved lazily against each other's. Joe broke away first, and pulled Dianne into his body, smiling as she cuddled into him. "OK, my sleepy little Koala. Let's get you to bed" he said gently.

 He moved her gently onto her side of the bed, peeling back the duvet and tucking her in. Her eyes fluttered closed. "I'll just be a minute" Joe whispered, pressing a sweet kiss to her forehead. "You get some rest."

Dianne turned onto her side as Joe walked across the room. He looked over at her and smiled. He was still not used to the sight of this beautiful girl- his girlfriend- sharing his bed. They were still a secret to the outside world, still new, and every so often he had the urge to pinch himself to check whether this was all real.

He quickly turned off the lights and closed the curtains before making his way back over to the bed. Pulling back his side of the duvet, he slipped into the sheets. Moving closer, he wriggled his hand under Dianne's neck until she was resting on his arm. As she settled into his body, his other hand came to rest on her toned stomach. Unable to resist, he kissed her shoulder lightly.

"Hey, Joe?" Dianne asked in the dark room.

Joe rubbed his hand over her stomach slowly. "I thought you were asleep" he whispered.

"Nearly. I... I was just thinking."

"That's impressive. Well done."

Dianne kicked him lightly. "Hey. Shut up."

Joe smiled and leaned closer to kiss her cheek. "Sorry. Carry on. What were you thinking about?"

Dianne moved closer so that there was barely any space left between their bodies. She found Joe's hand and played with his fingers as she spoke.

"Just that you're really cute". Dianne's voice was adorable when she was half-asleep. "And I like your eyes. They're pretty."

Joe smiled. "You're cute too. You know I think you're cute. You're like a baby Koala."

"Because I'm so snuggly?" Dianne asked, rubbing her thumb over Joe's palm.

Joe cuddled in closer and kissed her cheek. "Definitely."

They laid quietly for a few moments, enjoying the comfortable silence in the room. Dianne wriggled her legs and turned around to face Joe.

"You OK?" He asked cautiously.

Dianne nodded, shuffling into his body. "Yeah. My leg is a bit sore. I think I bruised it today."

Joe's hand travelled down. "Tell me where. I'll make it better." Dianne guided his hand to the top of her knee. He rubbed it in gentle circles, before pulling his hand up to his lips, pressing a kiss to it and putting it back on her knee. "There you go. A magic kiss."

Dianne kissed Joe's cheek softly. "Thank you. You're so kind to me."

"Me? I try. I just want to make you happy the way you make me happy."

Dianne couldn't help but swoon at his words. "You're so smooth." She kissed his chin. "And you're far away. I was aiming for your lips."

Joe smiled as Dianne pulled herself closer, pressing a kiss to each cheek, his forehead, his nose and finally his lips. She lingered for a moment, smiling as Joe kissed back.

"We're disgustingly sweet" she whispered. "Why are we so gross?"

Joe chuckled. "We're happy? Well, I am."

"I'm in that really nice stage where I just never want to be away from you. You make me feel all warm and safe."

Joe cuddled Dianne tighter. "I'll be here. Right by your side. You've got me forever now."

Dianne looked up, into Joe's eyes and smiled. "Can I tell you a secret?" she asked, fingers gently dancing over the supple skin of his chest.

"Of course."

Dianne leaned closer, lips practically pressed against Joe's ear.

"I think I'm falling in love with you."

Joe couldn't help but smile. His heart was racing. Tilting Dianne's head up towards his, he kissed her. Pulling away, he looked deep into her eyes.

"I think I'm falling in love with you too."

Dianne rested her head on Joe's upper arm, her face inches from his. "You make my tummy feel all fizzy sometimes." She didn't make eye contact, her hand still resting on his chest as she spoke. "Like, when I see you across a room or when you're really happy that you've got something right, I get this weird feeling in my whole body."

"Me too." Joe brushed Dianne's red hair off her face. "I get it when I watch you dance. And when you tell a joke that makes someone really laugh and you get that adorable proud look on your face. And right now."

"Now?" Dianne ran her hand down to Joe's back, pulling him in even closer to her body.

Joe nodded. "I love our sleepy chats. It's nice. And I like cuddling with you."

"Because I'm like a Koala?"

"Definitely. Actually, though, you're better than a koala. Because you're cuddly like a koala, but your skin is soft and warm and not fluffy and you always smell nice."

Dianne smiled. "Keep going."

"And you're pretty and you have nice lips and lovely hair".

He ran a hand through her hair, lingering when he reached the ends. Dianne looked at him and smiled.

"You smell nice too. And you have soft lips. And you give good cuddles."

Joe leaned closer and kissed her forehead. "What else?"

"Erm..." Dianne rolled onto her back. "You're good at magic medicine kisses. And you make me happy."

Joe shuffled closer and let his lips rest against Dianne's cheek. "You make me so happy too. Right, let's stop being soppy and get some sleep. We've got to get back into the studio tomorrow and get these dances done."

Dianne nodded slowly. "Kiss me goodnight, then?"

Joe leaned in, his thumb gently stroking over Dianne's cheek as his hand rested on her jaw. Slowly, carefully, letting their lips graze he sighed into the connection. Dianne opened her mouth slightly, kissing him back with a little more pressure. Their lips moved together for a few moments until Joe pulled away. Smiling, he kissed Dianne's forehead.

"Let's get some sleep."

Dianne snuggled into her pillow, getting comfy. Joe's arms remained around her as he shadowed her position in the bed.

"Joe?" she whispered into the dark after a few moments.


"I love you."

Joe smiled, squeezing her hand. The fizzy feeling in his body returned. He had been waiting for this moment for such a long time, and he grinned as he said it back. "I love you too. Now stop being cute so I can sleep."

Dianne giggled. "Sorry. I can't help being cute. Especially when I'm sleepy." She wiggled her body from side to side.



"Please go to sleep."

Dianne sighed dramatically and settled back into her pillow. Smiling, she focused on the stillness of the room. The sound of Joe's gentle breathing.

He loves me.

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