There Goes the Fear

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Joe stretched his arms above his head, slowly pulling himself back into consciousness. As he opened his eyes, he noticed that Dianne was still fast asleep, breathing softly. He smiled. She looked so peaceful. They had both needed to rest, and so he vowed to let her sleep.

They had got home early in the morning after the final of Strictly. They had been nervously pacing and rehearsing their steps since the sun came up and had both fallen straight into bed the minute they got through the door. It had been one of the most stressful weeks of their lives and Joe was glad, in a way, that it was over. He had forgotten what relaxation truly felt like. He was determined that this day- or what was left of it- would be dedicated to indulging in doing absolutely nothing.

It wasn't just the dancing that had worn them both out. Joe knew that Dianne had been quite emotional during the week (and he had had a few moments himself). Everything was coming to a head, and their world was about to change. Their relationship could no longer be hidden behind the idea of being dance partners. The world would quickly find out what the secret to their chemistry had been: love. Joe was nervous. He hadn't spoken to Dianne about it. Truthfully, he hadn't wanted to add any more stress or worry to her already frantic week, but it had been playing on his mind, picking slowly at his nerves. He didn't know what to expect.

Dianne stretched and rolled onto her side, her eyes still closed. Joe took advantage of the peaceful moment to truly appreciate her beauty. The delicate softness of her skin. The striking darkness of her long eyelashes. Her adorable, kissable button nose. The shape of her supple lips.

It hadn't taken him long to fall for Dianne, not really. She was beautiful. Inside and out. He had fallen for all of her: her personality and the way she echoed his thoughts without trying, her ridiculous sense of humour and her effortless air of positivity. This journey had taught him so much about himself. He had never expected any of this to happen, and he would always be grateful- whatever the future held- to the quirky, hyperactive, loud, chocolate-stealing Australian who had somehow made her way into his heart. And his bed.

"Joe". Dianne's voice cracked as she spoke for the first time. Her eyes were still closed. "Joe, I can feel you staring."

Joe pulled Dianne in closer to his body, pressing a kiss to her forehead, before leaning back so she could rest her head on his shoulder. "Sorry."

Dianne smiled up at him, her dark eyes still partially closed as she awoke. "It's fine. What were you thinking about?"

Joe sighed. "Everything."

"Really? How long have you been awake?!"

Joe laughed. "That's something I would say." He paused for a moment. "But... I've just been thinking. A lot has happened. It's a lot to digest."

Dianne nodded. "It is."

They both laid quietly for a few moments. Dianne watched Joe's chest rise and fall as she thought.

"What... what happens now?" she asked, a nervous tone to her voice. "To us?"

Joe turned to face her, his eyes more alert now. "Nothing. We stay the same. It's everything else that changes."

"You're so smart" Dianne said quietly.

"It's the only way I can get through it. For now, anyway. I think we just carry on like we were. Our relationship is ours. And, well, we tried to keep it separate from work anyway."

Dianne nodded. They had started calling their rehearsal time 'work' so that there was a distinction. They were colleagues in the studio, both paid to be there and do their job. Outside of those hours, they could be whoever they chose to be to one another. It had worked throughout the process, but now the bubble had burst.

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