Back to Black

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AN: Mild 'steamy' warning for the end of this one.

Joe walked out of the hotel bathroom, looking across at his girlfriend. He felt a dull thud as something hit him on the side of his body.


Joe picked up the pillow Dianne had launched at him and threw it back onto the bed. "That hurt."

Dianne looked at him pointedly. "Serves you right."

Joe rolled his eyes, walking over towards her. "How many times do I have to say sorry?"

Dianne shrugged, a playful look in her eye. "You can keep apologizing until it stops hurting. I am bruised, Joe. Bruised."

Joe crawled under the covers, his hands moving to hold Dianne gently. Pulling up her top, he hissed at the sight of her back. He kissed her shoulder gently.

"I'm sorry for dropping you. On stage. In front of all those people. I can't promise it won't happen again because I'm a clumsy idiot, but I can promise to do whatever I can to make it better. Do you still love me?"

"Of course I do. I'm joking. It was an accident." She settled into his embrace. "But it bloody hurts."

"So you're not mad with me?" Joe asked innocently.

"I could never be mad at you." Dianne paused for a moment. "Well, I can. You know I can. But not over this. It was an accident. These things are bound to happen."

Joe leaned closer, a protective hand resting on her waist, and kissed her cheek. "What can I do to make it better?"

Dianne reached out for the tube of gel the physio had given her earlier in the evening.

"This arnica stuff will help" she said as she passed it back to him. "Just... be gentle."

Joe squeezed a small amount out onto his hand, pulling up Dianne's top further so that he could see the full extent of her injury. Slowly, he massaged the balm into her skin.

"Am I hurting you?" he asked, noticing her twitch slightly at his touch.

Dianne shook her head. "No. It's a bit uncomfortable, but this will hopefully mean I can sleep."

Joe continued to gently rub at the black-and-blue patch on her back, his hands carefully caressing over her skin, ensuring he reached every inch of the still-spreading bruise.

"Do you have any pain anywhere else?" he asked delicately as he massaged her.

"My neck" Dianne whispered, pulling her hair over her shoulder.

Joe examined the area, noticing that there was a red mark at the top of her spine. He dabbed some gel onto it and used his finger to rub it in carefully.

"Anywhere else?"

Dianne shrugged. "I can't see. I can kind of feel it, but I'm not sure."

Joe pulled back the covers from her body. "Lay on your front. Let me actually look."

Dianne pulled off her top and laid, resting her head on top of folded arms on her pillow.

Joe shuffled closer, sat up, and ran his fingers delicately over her skin noticing the trails of goosebumps that appeared as he did so.

He carefully rubbed over her back once more, noticing that the bruise had spread past the line of her shorts and down towards her rear. Pulling the waistband down slightly, his hands travelled over the curves of her body.

"Have I actually bruised my arse, or are you just taking advantage?" Dianne asked, turning her head as she spoke.

Joe smiled. "It reaches to about here" he drew a faint line just below the two dimples in her back.

"Carry on then" Dianne's head returned to its previous position.

Joe's hands ran from her firm, shapely buttocks, out to her hips and along her sides, dipping in at her waist. He continued to rub upwards, fingers gently dancing against the soft sides of her breasts as he made his way towards her neck and shoulders.

Dianne let out a quiet moan, muffled slightly by the pillow.

"Is that good?" Joe asked.

"Yeah. Don't stop" she muttered.

Joe gently massaged over her shoulders, towards her neck, adding a little more pressure to the areas where their accident hadn't left a mark. Dianne laid comfortably, her body completely relaxed in his hands.

He continued to caress her body for a few more moments, watching Dianne's body rise and fall as she breathed deeply.

"Are you falling asleep?" he asked.

Dianne shook her head, speaking into her pillow. "No. 'm just relaxed. 's nice."

Joe pulled the covers back over her, noticing that the room was colder now. His hand rested on her shoulder, thumb gently drawing shapes over her skin. Dianne carefully rolled onto her side.

"Is there anything else I can do to make it up to you?" Joe asked, moving close behind her but leaving enough space between them that he wouldn't accidentally hurt her more. He brushed her hair off her shoulder and pressed his lips to her warm, soft skin.

"Mmm, definitely" Dianne said suggestively. "I can think of a few things."

Joe felt his anticipation grow, but something held him back.

"I don't want to hurt you" he whispered. "Well, any more than I already have."

Turning slowly over to face him, the redhead's dark eyes met his. "You won't hurt me. Anyway, we can be creative."

Joe looked at her, slightly confused by the change in her tone of voice. "What turned you on so quickly? You were chucking pillows at me and being all grumpy a minute ago!"

Dianne shrugged. "I'm a sucker for a massage."

"Clearly. I hope you didn't get like this when we were in the spa."

Dianne pushed him gently. "Don't ruin it."

Joe opened his mouth to speak, but Dianne held her hand up. "And don't you dare say sorry again. Not with your words, anyway." She looked him up and down, a hungry look in her eyes. "That said, I'm sure you could find other ways to use your mouth."

Joe's eyes widened.

"I... I definitely can."

Dianne grinned. "Well, apologise away."

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