Love Shack

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"On the road again. I just can't wait to get on the road again!"

Joe groaned as Dianne sang happily in the passenger seat. They had decided to take Chippy, their beautiful VW campervan, down to Wiltshire for the weekend to visit some of Joe's family and finally try him out overnight. Dianne had been excited from the moment they had begun planning and, clearly, she was still buzzing.

"Do you know what?" Joe asked, turning to his girlfriend whilst keeping one eye on the road.


"Sometimes- and don't take this the wrong way- you really do remind me Donkey from Shrek."

Dianne smiled. "Why?"

"Because. The random singing. The weird comments. The... I don't know. The way you know exactly how to wind me up."

"I'm really good at that." Dianne thought for a moment before she continued. "So, does that make you Shrek? Or the lady dragon?"

Joe opened his mouth to answer, but Dianne carried on. "Actually, I'll answer my own question. You're definitely an ogre. Well, you are when you're tired. Or hungry. Actually, maybe that makes you a dragon. I don't know. You can pick."

Joe shook his head, smiling, and pointed to the 'Welcome to Wiltshire' sign as they drove past it. In an impeccable Scottish accent, Joe held his hands out and declared "Dianne, welcome to my swamp!" He smiled at Dianne's adorable giggle. "I knew that impression would come in handy one day."


"So, tell me again where you're staying. Lewis' dad's mate's field?" Tracey asked Joe as she sat down at the table in the garden.

Joe nodded. "Yeah. It's only down the road. Just somewhere to park up for the night. It's nice and quiet and out the way. I think we were both a bit worried about being spotted, weren't we?"

Dianne nodded. "Especially on a campsite. It's not like we can do a quick getaway. Plus, Chippy's pretty easy to recognise."

Joe smiled in agreement. "So, we thought the best option would be to stay on private land. I asked all the lads if they knew anywhere close by, and Lewis came up with the goods. It should be fun. He's said we can have a campfire and everything."

Tracey grimaced. "I hate camping. I couldn't think of anything worse. Is... is there even a toilet?"

Dianne shook her head. "No. I mean, there's a bucket in the back and there's trees. That's about it."

"And doesn't that put you off?" Tracey asked.

Dianne smiled. "Not really. Camping trips when I was a kid were out in the bush. In a tent. A campervan in a country where there's no poisonous snakes or spiders is luxury for me!"

"That's fair. So, do you have everything you need?"

Joe looked at Dianne, who nodded. "I think so. We'll pick up food and stuff on the way. We've got a little portable barbecue thing, blankets, bedding. Oh! We do need toilet roll, actually. Just in case."

Tracey shook her head laughing. "You're both absolutely nuts. I can't believe you're camping out. I've got a perfectly good spare room up there. White Company bedding, decent mattress, en suite..."

Joe shook his head. "It's all about the adventure, mum."

"You and your sister are so different."

Dianne smiled. "Well, we are going to work on the interior design, aren't we Joe?" Joe nodded. "I've got some cute little cushions and fairy lights to make it cosy. I mean, it's not going to be Zoella-fied, but it will look nice."

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