Chapter 1

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Hello there . I know I'm late but I want to write a Hamilton story so what the heck. For those who do not know what Hamilton is, it is an amazing musical brought by Lin-Manuel Miranda about the life of one of America's founding fathers, Alexander Hamilton. Of course the characters do not belong to me.

I may or may not have some grammar errors. English it's not my first language, but I'll do my best.

Hope you like this story.


-Flashback begins-

Third Person's POV

She shivered violently in the humid room as she looked at her twelve year old son cry. Her heart aching at the sound of every sob that left her infant's mouth.

"Alexander....please don't cry"

"M-m-mom" the small boy was a sobbing mess seeing his mother bed-ridden, so deep in ten shades of agony. A sight that no child deserves to see.

"Will you do something for me dear?" She asked ignoring the unimaginable headache that threaten to push her off her limits.

"Y-yes, mom whatever you need" Alexander replied.

"Alex promise your mother that you will always cherish the things you have whether they are big or small and also cherish the people around you... Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory" she said her voice getting weaker by each second.

The small boy nodded. "I-I promise mom"

She smiled. Her face was pale, her lips dry, but even in the unbearable pain her sad smile never left her mouth. Maybe to somehow comfort her son. Or maybe to make this moment easier for herself. We might never know.

"Your mom loves you Alex, I'm sorry I have to leave you so soon, I wish I could have seen you grow up. I will miss you" she said, her voice becoming raspy.

He held her hand as tight as he could "Don't say that mom, y-you will be okay, please don't leave me"

She caressed his cheek with her shaky hand. Her brown eyes that once sparkled with life and beauty expressed nothing but sadness and sickness."I love you Alexander...." and with those four words she died in front of his eyes.

-End of Flashback-

Alexander's POV

"ARRGHH---" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Inmediately I checked my surroundings finding myself in my neatly organized bedroom.
I sighed in relief. Then dried the tears on my eyes that threaten to spill.

It was a just nightmare.

I stretched my arms and legs so my tense muscles would relax.
I hate getting flashbacks from things I don't want to remember. The moment my mother died... I wish I could erase that memory from my head. That horrible memory that distorted the image of my mother's delicate self.

She was a beautiful woman senteced to live a miserable life and die in horrible conditions. Death wasn't kind. I knew that. It snatched where it could, taking people who were far too young, far too good. It didn't pretend to care, it didn't pretend to distinguish. Death doesn't discriminate between the sinner and the saints it just takes and it takes and it takes.
The hooded vale of death had hung over the world for a long time, always threatening. It had sometimes touched me quite so close. Death had ripped away a part of me, the part of me that was most loved.

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