Chapter 12

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So I decided to make another smut scene!.. Hope you like it.
If u are not comfortable with it just keep reading until I warn the smut part begins.


Third person's POV

The gang was gathered at the Schuyler mansion. They were laughing, joking and talking non stop. The overexcitement was due to John. Even though they haven't seen one another in some time the bonds of friendship did not evaporate after all those sunny days.

"We are happy that you liked your birthday gift Alex" said Peggy.

Alex who was the happiest to have John by his side replied "Thank you so much guys. I'm so happy!"

"Long time no see John" said Burr in his usual polite manner. Of course that didn't mean he hadn't miss his friend or anything.

"I'm happy to be back" said John. A smile decorating his face. "If it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't had the courage to be here again"

"de rien mon ami (you're welcome my friend)" said Laff as he patted John on his shoulder as old friends would do.

"We missed you" said Eliza her deep black eyes sparkling with delight.

"It is nice to see you two back together" said Hercules.

"How did you know we are together?" asked Alex. He hadn't told them about it yet.

"I can figure it out just by looking at your face." said Hercules pointing at Alex.

"Oui. Your cheeks will hurt if you don't get that smile out of your face" said Lafayette as he took hold of one of Alex's cheek and squeezed it between his fingers.

"I don't knwo what you are talking about. I am not that obvious" said Alex pushing away Laff's hand.

John chuckled.

Angie smirked. "Suure"

Alex himself knew that what Herc said was true. Just as if a switch inside him had turned on when John came back his mood and days have become brighter. It's as if there's always a trail of gunpowder in his veins and John has the only match, letting it spark, bringing his soul out to play

Alex rolled his eyes. "Anyway.
Thank you so much all of you" said Alex giving his most sincere smile.

That smile that they haven't seen in months. Looks like their plan worked.

"You two have alot to catch up. So go on lovebirds!" Said Peggy gently pushing the couple.

John chuckled. "You are the best Peggy"

Peggy smiled and winked at him. "I know"

Alex took John's hand and the walked towards the door. Of course not without giving one last look to their group of friends. Alex couldn't help but think that he had the best friends im the entire world. True friendship is when someone knows you better than yourself and takes a position in your best interests in a crisis. They stuck by his side even though he had done something stupid and lost it all. They even brought back what he had lost.
If this isn't friendship then Alex didn't know what it is.

John and Alex walked out the mansion hand by hand.

They went to Alexander's apartament.

John had lost his apartment because of the numerous months he spent in South Carolina and did not pay the montly rent, leaving him with no place to stay. In the other hand Alex pays no rent because he owns his apartament. Because of these reasons and of course because they love each other John and Alex decided to live together.

(LAMS) Oh! So this is Love Where stories live. Discover now