Chapter 3

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Your fellow writter here. Hope you enjoyed chapter 2... here's chaaaapter 3.


Alex's POV

It has been five months since I started attending to King's College. I will not lie to you, all the classes and extracurriculars and blah blah shit have been exhausting, but I've managed to survive. I even met some interesting people, someone called Aaron Burr and a guy named Thomas Paine.

It has also been five months since I met John Laurens. And I'm happy to announce that he's officially my best friend.

Since that day in the coffee shop, we have been hanging out a lot. With Laff and Herc too. The four of us have became inseperable. We even called ourselves the "Revolutionaries".

But for some reason I felt a deeper connection with John and I think he feels it as well so we've declared each other's best buds. I think it was the giggles that were the sails upon our boat, the laughter, the smiles. We saw the funny in everything and that was our bond. We could be serious too; we loved deeply of others more than is generally accepted... so I guess the humour was how we let out the tension that kind of love brings. In those silly moments, we were perfect, and they are the sweetness I need in rough times. That's what a friend can do... it's the love that makes doors in emotional brick walls, the love that makes everything possible. Having him by my side as my friend has been amazing. But there's also problem..

My feelings for him.....they have only been getting deeper and deeper. I feel that everyday I'm falling harder for him. But... how can I avoid it? Everything about him it is just captivating. He was handsome from the depth of his eyes to the gentle expressions of his voice. He was handsome from his generous opinions to the touch of his hand upon my own. I loved the way his voice quickened when he sparkled with a new idea, or was so enjoying one of mine.

I've been thinking of confessing but I'm scared my feelings would ruin our friendship. I don't want to lose him.

And even if John does feel the same way. I know it wouldn't be real. Because John doesn't really know me. I'd feel as if I'm lying to him. Even if we are best friends I haven't told him anything about my family nor where I come from. He respects my privacy but I know he's curious.

I remember that time we were hanging out..

-Flashback begins-

Third Person's POV

"You hide a lot, don't you?"

Alex almost swallowed his gum, turning to take in the expression on his new friend's face. His gaze was steady, eyes wide like an innocent child, Alex released a short sharp breath. This wasn't even fourth 'date' material and this guy wanted to play see-through-skin. (A/N: by date I mean not the romantic type, but just the friendly hanging-out date)

"How do you mean?"

John paused before answering, his tone dropping to a softer octave. "Everything you say is a mask, but each thing gives a clue to the real you, the one hiding behind the quirky smile and tied hair. You could just cut it out and let me in you know, let me into that fragile head of yours." This time Alex took a physical step backward. John just watched, eyes still like headlights on full beam, expression serene.

"I don't know what you are talking about" said Alex avoiding John's gaze.

John stayed silence then replied "Nevermind"

-Flashback ends-

I was really surprised when he said that...

I don't want to keep hiding things from him but I have no option.. The place where I come from is a shithole and I've done so many bad things. I'm scared of what his reaction might be if I tell him. I know he would probably still be my friend, John will never end our friendship for something like that, but it wouldn't be the same. I don't want to ruin that perfect image he has of me. He's too kind to see people's flaws.

(LAMS) Oh! So this is Love Where stories live. Discover now