Chapter 2

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After I put my clothes in the wardrobe, I made my way over to Neil's room. Upon entering the corridor I saw that it was mostly empty except for Neil and a man I assume to be his father. At first the man had a smile on his face but suddenly he grabs Neils arm and his smile disappears. I keep my distance but I can still hear what he's saying: 'Don't you ever dispute me in public. Do you understand?'

'Father', Neil tries to object, 'I wasn't disputing-'

'After you've finished medical school and you're on your own, then you can do as you damn well please', Neil dad interrupts, 'But until then, you do as I tell you. Is that clear?'

'Yes sir', Neil whispers, looking down, 'I'm sorry.'

'You know how much this means to your mother, don't you?' he says in a now softer tone.

'Yes sir', Neil forced a smile, 'You know me, always taking on too much.'

'Well, that's my boy', Mr. Perry says, slapping Neil on the shoulder, 'Now listen, you need anything, you let us know, huh?'

'Yes sir', Neil nods, with that Mr. Perry leaves. Neil leans his head back against the wall as some other boys emerge from the room.

'Why doesn't he let you do what you want?' one boy says.

'Yeah Neil', another agrees, 'tell him off. It couldn't get any worse.'

'Oh, that's rich', Neil scoffs, 'Like you guys tell your parents off, Mr. Future Lawyer and Mr. Future Banker.'

'Okay, so I don't like it any more than you do', the first boy chuckles.

'Well just don't tell me how to talk to my father. You guys are the same way', Neil answers.

'All right, all right, Jesus', the second boy chuckles in defense. 'So what are you going to do?'

'What I have to do', Neil smiles sadly, 'Drop the annual.'

'Well I wouldn't lose much sleep over it', the first boy tells Neil, 'It's just a bunch of jerks trying to impress Nolan.'

'I don't care. I don't give a damn about any of it', Neil says, obviously lying, while I walk up to the group and tap Neil on the shoulder. Neil angered, slightly agitated, expression softens when he looks down at me. 'Hey, you're here.'

'Hey', I smile at him, 'what was that about.'

'Ow', Neil seems surprised that you heard, 'with my dad... don't worry about it.' But I did, he seemed pretty upset just now, and I suppose it shows on my face cause Neil sighed, 'I'll tell you later, I promise.' and I nod in agreement.

'So', Neil says, changing the subject, 'My friends, this is Knox Overstreet, Steven Meeks', I shake hands with all of them while Neil tells me their names, 'and Charlie Dalton.'

'Otherwise known as the man of your dreams', I didn't shake this ones hand, only rolled my eyes. This caused all the boys to laugh, and Charlie to look at me shocked.

'Well, uh, Latin, eight o' clock in my room?' Meeks said after the laughter died down.

'Yes', Neil confirmed.

'Todd, you're welcome to join us', Meeks turned to a boy who was apparently Neils roommate.

'Yeah, come along pal', Knox called out causing the boy to look up from his desk where he is setting his alarm clock.

'Thanks', he says quietly.

'Evangeline', Neil catches my attention by putting his hand on my upper back, 'you can come along too.'

'I think I'm gonna have to pass this time, I'm going to continue unpacking'

'alright', Neil said, somewhat disappointed, 'can I come by after?'

'yeah sure', I smile at him.

And that's what he does. In the early evening, I hear a knock on my door. We both sit on my bed, with our backs against the headboard, and legs over the bed. Al the while Neil tells me about his father. I couldn't tell you when or why, but at some point I simply leaned my head against his shoulder, leaning against him comfortable while he leaned his head on mine.

'So', he says finally, 'what did you think of him, my father?'

I think for a minute before answering, 'do you want an honest answer? Or a nice one?'

this causes him to break out laughing.

The next morning, the clock bells chimes at 5 o'clock, I look out the window to see an enormous flocks of birds, apparently disturbed by the noise, take to the sky. The sound of squawking birds merges into the sound of noisy boys as they descend the stairs in a long spiraling line. Mr. McAllistor tries to make it upstairs against the steady stream.

'Slow down boys!' the teacher yells, 'slow down you horrible phalanx of pubescence.'

Given that we were in the same year, Neil and the guys shared the same classes as I did. We started the day of with chemistry, Neil took a seat next to me. A teacher walks up and down the aisles, handing out books.

'Pick three laboratory experiments from the project list and report on them every five weeks', he states, 'The first twenty questions at the end of chapter one are due tomorrow.'

This caused all the students, including me, to let out a collective groan.

Next, we had Latin, Neil and I are seated on the same desk. Mr. McAllister paces back and forth in front of the blackboard and has us repeat everything back to him. 'Agricolam. Agricola. Agricolae. Agricolarum. Agricolis. Agricolas. Agrilcolis. Again, please. Agricola.'

Math class was next. Dr. Hager walks up the classroom aisles with his arms behind his back.

'Your study of trigonometry requires absolute precision', he states matter of fact, 'Anyone failing to turn in any homework assignment will be penalized one point off their final grade. Let me urge you now not to test me on this point.' I look at Neil, who sits to my right and give him a look of 'Is he serious??' Neil makes a face of 'yes, unfortunately.'

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