Chapter 7

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'A man is not very tired, he is exhausted. And don't use very sad, use-' my dad says as he walks to the front of the classroom and points to the back of it, 'Come on, Mr. Overstreet, you twerp.'


'Exactly! Morose. Now, language was developed for one endeavor, and that is? Mr. Anderson? Come on! Are you a man or an amoeba?'

My father stands before Todd's desk. Todd looks up nervously but says nothing. My dad pauses for a moment before looking away. 'Mr. Perry?'

'Uh, to communicate', he opts.

'No! To woo women', he says, causing the boys to chuckle, 'Today we're going to be talking about William Shakespeare.'

The class lets out a collective sigh, 'Oh God', except for me, since I've grown to love the author. 'I know. A lot of you looked forward to this about as much as you look forward to root canal work. We're gonna talk about Shakespeare as someone who writes something very interesting. Now, many of you have seen Shakespeare done very much like this:' my dad holds out his right arm dramatically and begins to speak in an exaggerated British accent. '"O Titus, bring your friend hither." But if any of you have seen Mr. Marlon Brando, you know, Shakespeare can be different. "Friend, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears." You can also imagine, maybe, John Wayne as Macbeth going, "Well, is this a dagger I see before me?"'

All of us are seated together near the front of the room as my father reads from a book.

'"Dogs, sir? Oh, not just now. I do enjoy a good dog once in a while, sir. You can have yourself a three-course meal from one dog. Start with your canine crudites, go to your Fido flambe for main course and for dessert, a Pekingese parfait. And you can pick your teeth with a little paw."' As we all listen to the story, and laugh at my dads impressions, I lean against Neil who's leaning against a desk. As I lean against his chest, his arm lays around my waist, though it is out of side of my dad.

When we all sat back in their normal seats and dad leaps up onto his desk. 'Why do I stand up here? Anybody?'

'To feel taller.' Charlie calls from the back of the class.

'No!' my dad rings the bell on his desk with his foot, 'Thank you for playing, Mr. Dalton. I stand upon my desk to remind yourself that we must constantly look at things in a different way.' He glances around the classroom from atop the desk. 'You see, the world looks very different from up here. You don't believe me? Come see for yourself. Come on. Come on!'

Charlie and Neil quickly rise from their seats to go to the front of the classroom, and I follow suite. The rest of the class follows us. While my dad continues speaking, Neil and Charlie join him on the desk and then he jumps down.

'Just when you think you know something, you have to look at it in another way. Even though it may seem silly or wrong, you must try! Now, when you read, don't just consider what the author thinks. Consider what you think.' with that the two boys jump down too. Neil stands by the side of the desk and reaches his hand out to me to help me off the desk.

Boys, you must strive to find your own voice. Because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are to find it at all. Thoreau said, "Most men lead lives of quiet desperation." Don't be resigned to that. Break out!' he pauses for a second then continues. 'Don't just walk off the edge like lemmings. Look around you.'

The school bell rings as the boys continue to climb onto the desk. My father begins to gather up his stuff. The clock begins to toll as he walks to the back of the class. 'There! There you go, Mr. Priske. Thank you! Yes! Dare to strike out and find new ground. Now, in addition to your essays, I would like you to compose a poem of your own, an original work.' The students begin to groan and he begins flickering the lights off and on while chanting ominously, 'That's right! You have to deliver it aloud in front of the class on Monday. Bonne chance, gentlemen and lady.' He steps out into the hall before quickly peeking back in once again. I see that Todd is the last one to stand on the desk and is about to jump off.

'Mr. Anderson?' my dad says causing him to stop, 'Don't think that I don't know that this assignment scares the hell out of you, you mole.' He flicks the light off again, leaving Todd to jump down in the darkness as the students laugh.

I sat alone in my room, reading while laying on my bed in some comfy clothes, when Neil comes in. 'Ow hey Neil', I smile, looking up. But then I see him flexing and unflexing his hand, 'hey what's up.' I must've looked concerned, cause he smiles sheepishly at me: 'I was on my way here from my room but Mr. Nolan called me to his office and uh, 'he pauses, holding up his knuckles to show me his bruised up hands, 'gave me a beating with a ruler.'

'What?! Why?!' I say, jumping up and taking hold op his hands to examen the bruising.

'For "making inappropriate advances at Mr. Keatings daughter".' he quotes.

'What?' I say looking up at him, an expression of disbelief on my face, 'But Nolan didn't even come here to confirm if anything happened, it doesn't make any sense'

'Well, that's the way they rule this school', he simply states.

I fall silent for a moment, before asking: 'Does it hurt?'

'Meh, just a little bit, don't worry about it', he tries to reassure me.

'Come on, let's go to the infirmary, those kind of bruises hurt, they don't need to hurt any more.' I take a gentle hold of his hand as we walk to the infirmary.

Once we're there I make him down on one of those beds, I take the first aid kit out of the cupboard. I take a hold of one of his hand as I patch it up. Though I'm aware of Neils gaze on me, I don't look up, even if it causes my cheeks to burn bright red. As I finish up his 2nd hand, I feel his other hand gently caress my cheek and jaw. Though I have to admit I enjoy it, I don't look up yet.

Only when I'm done I look up. And when I do, I get chills from the look in his eyes. Such pure passion. I feel him wrap his other hand around and pull me close to him. To prevent myself from falling, I catch myself by putting my hand on Neils shoulder and upper arm. We are so close now, our noses touch, and before I can even comprehend what's going on, Neil kisses me. It an extremely passionate kiss that takes my breath away. Even though it catches me off guard, it doesn't take me long to start kissing him back. We pull each other even closer, so that I now stand between his legs as he's still seated on the infirmary bed. The kiss deepens, and my hands find their way into his hair. As I slightly pull on the ends, I can hear him groan, which I like. Unfortunately, we eventually run out of air and have to pull apart. The kiss leaves both of panting in a short moment of shock as to what'd just happened.

'I'm sorry I got a little carries away,' he apologizes, though I can clearly see the smirk on his face.

'Don't worry, I didn't mind', I blush, smiles sheepishly up at him.

'Can I kiss you again?' he asks, looking down at my lips. And so he does.

After a while longer, Neil walks me back to my room. As we reach it, I lean up to kiss his cheek, but he turns his head and smirks. As I feel my cheeks heat up again, I kiss him on the lips. His arm reach around my waist, as mine wrap around his neck.

'OW I almost forgot', he smiles as we pull apart, 'I came to tell you something, before the whole thing with Mr Nolan.' He leads me to sit on the bed, holding my hand. There he talks about the play, and the auditions, and about him participating. He bounces on the bed excitedly as he does.

'That's great!' I exclaim, smiling at him. We talk for a while longer, occasionally stealing kisses every now and again. Eventually he has to leave to go do some homework, so he gets up and kisses me goodbye one more time. 'I realize I haven't really asked. Evangeline, will you be my girlfriend.'

'And here I thought I'd be obvious by now', I say, while still wrapped in his arms, 'yes.'

He leans down to kiss me again, but at that moment the door opens to reveal the Dead Poets at the door: 'My my, how the tables have tabled.' Charlie states smirking.

Finally a happy end/ Dead Poets Society (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now