Minds of sorrow

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As you'll recall, we left on a little cliffhanger witht the life of a hopeless boy. Let's continue, shall we?

"I have some good and bad news." He stated, hanging his head in both respect and sorrow.

"Good news please," Jungkooks mother breathed, holding her son close expecting a much different set of words, "We managed to save him but there is slight damage. We have to monitor him for the night."

To be honest, no one felt any sigh of relief, the pain only got worse, "And the bad news?"

"We have to send him to a treatment facility for about six months. Yo make sure he doesn't try this again, it's a procausion."

At that moment, Jungkook knew he in six months wouldn't have the courage to tell him that he loved him nor could he now.

"Is he still asleep? Or at least unconscious?" Jungkook asked, fidgeting with his necklace, "Yes he is, would you like to see him?"

Jungkook nodded and soon he was standing next to the boy he fell so desperately for, "Yoongi, I know you can't hear me," he sighed, holding his hand, "But I just wanted to tell you this before we part ways. I love you, you big dork. Maybe I'll see you again, but then again I doubt that. I think the doctor said something about you living with your Aunt in Daegu after you got released."

This was true, Yoongi would be living with his Aunt. They would've released him to his father but you see, his father was now doing prison time for the abuse of his younger son, that being Yoongi.

Jungkook kissed the forehead of Yoongi just before shutting the door and walking to the car with his mother.

"I love you too." Yoongi weakly said, groaning in the sound of lack of comfort.


The nurse smiles down at me as she checks me to make sure there was no surge in my mental state. I had been in this institution for almost a month now and everyday has gotten worse.

"It looks like you're good, Yoongi." The nurse says with a smile, leaving the room.

I stand, walking outside into the garden with my sketch pad and IPod. The nurses hands out IPods to new patients to help them relax.

The music sings in my ears, calming me before I start sketching. My hands trace the image of Jungkook still locked in my mind.

Everyday that I've been here I've drawn him so I couldn't forget what he looked like. The doctors had told me I was going back to Daegu to live with my Aunt. Which that ultimately meant I would probably never see any of my friends or even Jungkook for that matter.

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