Before the Storm

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I glare at my phone, watching as my six bestfriends become stars. They had a video, well multiple videos, of them preparing before debut.

With a skip in my heart, I click on one of the videos-

"Suga~Hyung I have a present for you!" Yoongi pauses, staring at Taehyung.

"I love you!" He chants, pulling finger hearts from his jacket pockets. Everyone laughs, Yoongi smiles, flustered.

"We're on a break we have... Six minutes!" NamJoon back hugs Jin, looking over his shoulder at the camera.

My heart sinks as I watch my six closest friends through a screen. I sigh, hiding my face in my pillow to prevent myself from crying.


We had been a group officially for about three weeks now and each day seems harder than the last. Not because of the practice or late nights but because it's only the six of us and not seven. I mean sure it's not much different from when I lived in Daegu for three years without contact but now that we're in the same city, shouldn't be together?

I lay awake, daydreaming of the seven of us laughing as one again. It doesn't seem like that far of a strech. The bed creeks when Taehyung lay next to me, completely silent.

"V what are you doing?"

"I can't sleep so I'm sleeping in here," he whispers, the tiredness flushes his voice. I cover my mouth to prevent me from laughing, "Okay fine just don't be an obnoxious sleeper." I joke, pulling the covers over my head.

He wraps his arms around me, hugging me to his chest seemingly without noticing. I fall asleep to the tick of his breathing, a comfort I haven't felt in a while.


The next morning bleeds through the window, a blinding sight that causes me to pull the covers over my eyes again. Taehyung turns over, letting me go with a grunt.

Trying not to wake him up, I quietly walk into the kitchen to see the others nearly breaking out a food fight.

"Yoongi we have a fansign!" Hoseok chants, more excited than when we were chosen to be Bangtan. I rub my eyes, grabbing a quick bite before heading back to my room, "Hey while you're in there can you get Taehyung! We have to leave soon!" Joon calls after me.

"Tae, wake up." I nudge him with my foot, rolling my eyes. "You made me resort to this." I jump on V, hugging him like a child would their mother. He gasps, smacking my arm as a reflex, "Wake up we have a fansign." I smirk, meeting my feet with the floor.

"I'm getting you back for that!" He laughs, sitting up.


I feel my heart skip six beats when we sit down in front of a crowd who all came to see us. A few minutes after we arrive and settle in the signing starts and fans giggle as they get to the table.

"Suga~Oppa!" Someone calls from the crowd, giggling like a school girl. The others laugh, all copying her, the fans soon start and after no time at all there's a whole room chanting for me.

I hide my face behind the girls album I was in the process of signing, fighting back a smile. When it dies down I go back to signing, apologising to the girl whom I used the album of to hide my face.

"It's okay, Suga!" She pleas before moving on to Jimin. The next girl kneels down in front of me, her face hidden behind her tuffs of hair. She shakliy slides the album to me, along with a small notebook.

I pause for a moment, noticing her shaking shoulders. My hands lock with hers, trying my best to get her to look at me, "Miss? What's wrong?" I stutter, feeling awkward for calling her miss. That felt too formal.

She pulls away after a minute, slowly lifting her head to reveal her tear stained cheeks. I slide the signed book and album back to her, smiling and in return, she smiles. Laughs even.

"Why were you so sad?" I ask, again feeling awkward, "My mom." She mumbles, showing me a picture in a locket. I nod, sighing in realisation.

"Did she--" the girl nods, handing me a small card. When the line moves she kneels in front of Jimin and before I talk to the new fan I look at her and whisper, "Me too, now we're twins." She smiles, turning to Jimin to talk to him.


After the fansign we each part to either the store, dorm, or a short walk after the overwhelming day.

I walk to my studio, the crying girl from earlier on my mind as I sit down. My head spins for a moment before the sound of a knock breaks the screaming in my head.

I get back up, opening the door with annoyance. I expect to see Taehyung or Hoseok but instead it's Jungkook. He gently lifts his head, smiling down at me, "What are you doing here?" I pull him into the studio, my heart skipping beast just like they had when I was at the fan sign.

"I don't know. I was out for a walk and I ran into Hobi and he told me where you were he even brought me to the building and I don't know I just had to see you."

"I'm sorry." My voice quivers, I hide my face, breathing heavily. "For what?"

"Not seeing you for three years. I had the chance but I thought you hated me or something." Kooks laughs, hugging me, "Yeah I totally hate you It's not even funny." He jokes, stroking my hair.

"So a K-pop idol?" I smile, rolling my eyes playfully, "Yeah okay I thought you were going to be there so I gave it all I had and then you weren't and I just though, well shit okay guess not."

We laugh at my comment, our hands lock and everything kind of feels how it should. Just like it's supposed to be.


Yoongi brings Jungkook back to the dorm, letting him spend the night as they plot how to make Jungkook join Bangtan.

The others all imput ideas, thinking of ways to persuade their manager to give him a shot.

"Don't worry Kooks, we've got this." Jon reassures, handing him a drink and a snack. While they plot, Jungkook falls asleep, a light grin carved into his cheeks.

Everyone slowly falls asleep one by one until they're all asleep in the same room. Each boy has a small smile carved into their cheeks, a wonderful sight that should've been captured but sadly wasn't.

Maybe next time.

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