《 seven: Proposal 》

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I was woken up by the sound of metal hitting metal and looked around in the dimly lit room. It took me a second to realize that I was in a cell that had an odd smell.

It smelled like.. burnt chicken?

I sat up from the ground and felt something cold against my wrists.

Chains, of course.

"I doubt those things would hold ya."

I looked up to see a woman whose height towered over mine, casting a shadow as she stood on the other side of the cell.

"My son told me you were a fighter. Nearly took down his gang all on your own."

"You could tell that son of a bitch that I still plan to." I stepped forward but the constraints didn't let me.

She chuckled. "You've got guts. Just like your father."

Again with this nonsense? So this is still about that Crimson Clan fantasy that crazy young Chief has been blabbering about non-stop. Its as if he believes that if he keeps talking about it it'll somehow become true.

Well its not.

I tried to keep my temper at bay and composed myself. "Where am I?"


"Goddamn it, Hiccup!" And that was 2 seconds longer than my old record. "This isn't right. You can't possibly believe that I am what he claims me to be! Its insane!"

"Bearing the mark of trinity, the symbol of unity amongst the three barbaric clans, also happens to be impossible. Yet here you are."

I bared my canines at the viking. "What do you plan to do with me then, huh? Force me to rule this godforsaken land? I can't even take care of myself- much less a whole tribe!"

"No need to worry, lass. Thank Odin my son still has his head straight and has no intention on giving up his title to some stranger."

Well that's peachy but what the hell is his deal anyway? Bring me back here despite knowing how much I resent it? Is this some kind of sick joke to get back at me for nearly killing his friend?

"I don't think he wants revenge, if that's what's going through your little noggin." Hiccup's mother spoke. "If anything, he wants to make ammends. You see, our Clans used to have one of the greatest alliances in history. I think all that he wants is to make sure that the last decendant of the Crimson Clan lives a full life."

"I was already living my life on my own."

"That, my dear, was not living but merely surviving. One cannot simply live alone all their life."

If that were the case then I should've been dead a long time ago. I've been on my own for the past two decades or so and I haven't had any problems since. Sure there were some Berserker shenanigans but I made peace with them and their insane leader. Even with the Dragon Hunters, I knew exactly how to deal with them without having other people getting involved.

It wasn't a second later when Hiccup finally showed his annoying mug.

He turned to his mother first and sent the woman away before looking over to me. "How are you feeling, Dawn?"

"Like I wanna murder someone right now."

"Please don't take this whole situation the wrong way-"

"How else am I supposed to take it then? Happily? You kidnapped me and my dragon, again!" I lashed at him and watched as he looked down on the ground. "And you still have the audacity to face me like you've done absolutely nothing wrong!"

I swear, once I get out of these chains I will break that perfect jaw of his in one swing.

Hiccup nodded in understanding of my frustration and pursed his lips. "I have a proposition for you."

I smiled sarcastically and did a small curtsy. "And I politely decline. So why don't you just jump off a mouth of a volcano and die already-"

"Dawn Crimson." It came out of his mouth plain and simple. "Marry me."

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