Chapter Four

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She is worth far more than rubies. (Prov. 31:10)

Hi everyone! Thank you for reading my story. It's my dream to be an influencer and would mean the absolute world to me if you guys would follow me on TikTok @ _jazzedup_ ❤️ enjoy the story!


Dear Lord. Please let the impact of me hitting the floor after jumping out the car be soft. Amen

I pray swiftly to God.

I'm in the backseat of this psycho man's car and literally a deep breath away from jumping out and running into the woods that we're passing.

I look at some signs to know where we are. I take a deep breath.

3. . . 2. . . 1. . .

I open the car door, which is surprising unlocked, and jump out.

As I hit the ground, I grunt.

The impact wasn't too bad. Thank you, God.

His car comes to a stop and begins the backup.

I quickly get up and run into the woods.

I hear his car door open and shut. He follows after me in the woods.

"Zinovia." He calls my name way too calmly.

How does he even know my name?

I just run and continuously thank God for the night's darkness and my dark complexion. Making it that much harder for him to be able to find me.

"Love. Don't make this harder than what it has to be." His voice gets fainter as I continue to run.

"If I don't get you tonight, I'll just get you some other time." His voice is almost inaudible as I run even faster.

I stop after 10 minutes of running. I try to catch my breath.

God. Why is this happening to me?

I realize that now is not the time to deliberate on the current situation. I need to get some help.

I pull out my phone and call 911.

"911. What is your emergency?" The lady asks.

I tell her what's happened and where I'm at.

"Okay. We should reach you in about 5 minutes. Hold tight." She tells.

I sigh a breath of relief. "Thank you," I say and hang up the phone.


Once I reach my apartment I go straight to my bed.

I denied the polices offer to go into Witness Protection. Who knows how long I'd be in hiding. Plus I can't miss church on Sunday.

I throw off my clothes and grab my phone to call Janice.

"Helllloooo." She greets me, totally wasted.

I shake my head in disappointment.

"Jan. Where are you?" I ask in worry. Not trusting her by herself while she's drunk.

"Noo whereee." She giggles. "Who's that?" I hear a male voice from behind her. "Shhh." Janice shushes him

I sigh, "Jan, I'll call you in the morning. Get some sleep babe. Good night." I tell her. I go to hang up the phone.

"Wait! Nov! Where did you go after the party? I came out 5 minutes after you and your Uber was still there." She questions me.

I tense. I had already decided that I wouldn't tell her about the incident. I don't want her to make a huge deal about something small.

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