(But you, LORD, do not be far from me. You are my strength; come quickly to help me.) Psalm 22:19
Vlasto and I sit at the table eating the dinner that I made. The only sound being our silverware hitting the glass plates. We sit in slightly uncomfortable silence.
I knew something was wrong with him, there has been ever since he and Janice had their little "chat". Since then, Janice has been over almost every single day. I was almost feeling smothered by her. She is also A LOT more affectionate, enough for it to be considered inappropriate.
"Sweetums, what's wrong," I ask him, tired of him not talking to me.
He looks up looking a little confused, "Oh, um, nothing, Angel. Just thinking." He tells me.
"Well, why aren't you talking to me. You haven't talked to me much for days. Did I do something to upset you?" I ask him a little worried that he was upset with me.
His eyes widen, "NO! No, Angel. It's not you at all, I promise. You are perfect. I. . ." He pauses for a second, " I just have something to tell you." He admits.
I put my fork down and face my chair towards him, "What is it, sweetums?" I ask him gently grabbing his hand and look into his eyes with a gentle smile.
He squeezes it and sighs, "Zinovia." He says my name and looks down. I begin to get a little nervous, "Your father and brother are coming to America. They will be staying with us for a while." He tells me.
I instantly tense and my smile vanishes. "What?" I ask hoping I heard him wrong.
"Your father and brother will be coming soon. Two days to be exact. They will be staying with us for a couple of months." He informs me again.
My eyes widen, "Months?!" I exclaim. He nods.
I snatch my hand away from his and get up from the table. I walk to my room, Vlasto follows me.
"Angel, hear me out. Your father told me he really misses you and just wants to see you." He says but I ignore him and continue to walk to my room. Vlasto grabs my arm and faces me towards himself.
I look up at him with tears. Even though I refuse to let them fall Vlasto's face immediately softens, "Angel. I know what happened, he told me. But he is your father and really misses you, Esinam as well." He tells me.
My heart twitches a little at the mention of my brother, then I remember what they did to me and I get angry all over again.
"Vlasto. Not only did they have me shot at and kidnapped to save their own butts, they then kicked me out of the house with a debit card and told me to move somewhere safe without any more information. I cannot forgive either of them and I don't care how they feel." I say rage radiating off of me.
I forgot how mad at them I was until now. I snatch away from Vlasto for the second time tonight and walk into my room. Vlasto, of course, follows me.
I sit on my bed and bring my legs up to my face. He sits next to me and pulls me close to him.
"Zinovia, that's not the attitude that God would want you to have. God forgave you for all your sins so why can't you forgive your father?" He asks me. I glare at him for bringing God into this.
I remain silent,
"It took a lot of convincing to make your father agree to come. He was so worried that you would not want to see him or would hate him. I understand that you're upset with him and you have every right to be. But could you at least give him a chance? If not for him then for me." He asks me looking me in my eye.
I sigh, "Fine. I guess I am being a little stubborn but I- I just." Vlasto cuts me off.
"I know, Angel. You don't have to talk about it." He says rubbing my large legs.
I look down. He lifts my chin and gives me a sweet passionate kiss. I close my eyes and wrap my arms around his neck. He moves his lips down to my neck and sucks on the skin there.
It's right then and there when I realize how much I really love Vlasto. I knew I loved him for weeks, but now I know that I am deeply in love with him.
"I love you." I accidentally admit.
He instantly freezes and lifts his head to look at me. "What?" He asks in disbelief.
I mentally facepalm myself for saying that, but I'm too in love with him to even try to cover it up. "I said I love you," I admit again with a shy smile.
A giant smile makes its way on to his face. He quickly picks me up, I immediately wrap my arms and legs around him in fear of falling. He spins us several times and kisses me all over my face. I giggle uncontrollably. "Say it again." He says still spinning us.
"I love you." I giggle.
"YELL IT!" He yells.
I laugh, "I LOVE YOU!" I yell.
He stops spinning and gently sets me on the bed. He looks down at me in adoration, "You are the most perfect person I've ever met. I love you so much, Angel." He admits.
I smile widely, "I love you, too." I say.
He gently tackles me to the bed and kisses me again. I giggle again. "I love hearing you say that. Never stop saying it." He says.
I only smile and hug him closer to me. We stay like this for the rest of the night.
It's been so long and I've been so busy. I just want to thank all of you for not pressuring me to update. I know many other authors deal with that but I want to thank you guys for being patient. I'm so new at this and don't have a steady schedule. School for me ends in a couple of weeks so by then you guys should be expecting several uploads.
I might combine the earlier chapters together to make more room for this book so if you see my story go from 18 chapters to 9, that is why. I'm completely sure though.
Well, that is all I have to say, Thank you, everyone, for reading, and yuh.
Peace, Happiness, and Love- Jazz

Roly Poly
RomanceZinovia Akili had never been one for dating or anything involving romantic intimacy. Being a church girl played a large part in that. A 21-year-old, college student, virgin church girl who is way too beautiful for her own good. After her heart was b...