Chapter Nineteen

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My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word. (Psalm 119:28)

Hi everyone! Thank you for reading my story. It's my dream to be an influencer and would mean the absolute world to me if you guys would follow me on TikTok @ _jazzedup_ ❤️ enjoy the story!


I look in the mirror and smile. I have my beautiful wedding dress on, the same one that Vlasto picked out months ago.

After I admitted that I was ready to get married Vlasto waited no time to get the ball rolling. I agreed because my father and brother are already in town. Pastor and First Lady Davis agreed to accompany us, Pastor being the one to wed us.

Vlasto reassured me that we'd have a huge wedding one day, he just wanted us to officially be married. Since we are doing this, we decided to only exchange vows and say "I do", everything else will be done at the official marriage that we will start planning soon after this.

Janice will also be there but only because I promised that she'd be the maid of honor a long time ago. I'm not as close or comfortable with anymore. She honestly scares me a little but she doesn't need to know that. I not sure but I think she may have a crush on me, but the idea is so crazy. Maybe I'm overthinking this.

There's a knock on my bedroom door. We decided to have the wedding at the house because it still not safe to go out in public after the last incident.

"Come in," I call with a wide smile.

The door opens and Janice walks in. My smile falters a little but I remain calm.

"Hey, Beautiful. You ready?" She asks me with a tight smile.

I smile and look in the mirror, "I've never been more ready for anything in my life." I say honestly.

She only nods "Well, let's go. Everyone is waiting." She says and leaves the room.

I look at myself in the mirror once more before leaving the room in total nervousness and fear.

My father waits for me at the door. I run to him and give him the biggest hug.

We pull away after a minute, "You look gorgeous, baby girl." He smiles at me.

It was at that moment when everything came hurtling back. I burst into tears not caring that I'm ruining my makeup.

My looks shocked and scared, "Sweetheart, what's wrong?  Did I do something?" He asks worriedly.

I chuckle a little, "No. I'm just disappointed in myself. I let my own anger inside keep me from talking to my family for years. I'm such a stubborn piece of scum." I say sadly hanging my head.

My dad lifts my chin, "You are not scum but you are ruining your makeup," He wipes the tears from my face. "And none of that was your fault. It was all my fault. I couldn't keep you safe so I thought sending you away not reaching out to you would protect you when all it did was hurt you. I'm so sorry sweetheart." He says ashamed.

I smile and hug him again, "It's okay daddy. Just don't send me away again. I don't think I can handle it." I say. He nods.

He leads me to the back yard and I freeze when I see what's in front of me; Vlasto's parents. They both smile at me and I smile back shyly.

My father lightly nudges me and I begin to walk with him. I shift my eyes and make eye contact with Vlasto. My heart starts beating so hard, I'm surprised that no one else could hear it.

My father walks me up to him and I can tell by his face that he is just as nervous as me. That relaxes me a little.

My father hands me over to Vlast, I grab his hands and we stare into each other's eyes.

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