Chapter Twelve

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(Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God) Matthew 5:9


I get dressed in a simple outfit. Vlasto said he had a surprise for me and to dress casually.

I put on a simple striped shirt and jeans.

I walk downstairs to see Vlasto setting up the table with a ridiculous amount of food

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I walk downstairs to see Vlasto setting up the table with a ridiculous amount of food.

I clear my throat and he turns around to look at me and smiles. He rushes to me and grabs my hand with a smile and pulls me to the table.

He pulls a chair out for me and I sit down. I blush as he pushes me in.

He goes and sits down in front of me. "Sto what is this?" I ask him, using the new nickname for him.

"This is the beginning of our first date." He says.

My eyes widen, "Date?" I ask.

"Yes, date." He confirms. I smile and look down.

"Why?" I ask curiously, peeking up at him only to see him smiling at me.

"I thought about what you said. I haven't taken you on one date when you deserve to be taken out every single day. This date will focus on getting to know each other." He explains.

"So are we gonna do like 21 questions or something?" I ask.

"We'll do that later but right now let's eat." He says.

As we eat lunch he tells me basic things about himself. He talks about his family who lives in Hawaii. He has 4 brothers, all older. He told me about his religion; Christianity. But that wasn't hard to figure out due to his constant quoting of scriptures.

He told me about everything except for his job, which I'm pretty sure he believes I didn't notice, but I did. I don't sweat though. He'll tell me eventually.


Vlasto pops my hand.

"Ow!" I whine, "What was that for?" I ask rubbing my poor hand.

"I told you not to peek. So stop peeking." He reminds me.

"Well maybe if you stopped being a poopy face and let me see where we're going, I wouldn't have the urge to peek," I grunt crossing my arms.

He chuckles, "Well you can stop being a baby now because we're here." He says.

I snatch off the blind and take in my surroundings. My face lights up as I realize we're at a carnival. Tears prickle my eyes remembering my mom.

I turn to Vlasto to see him looking at me nervously. As he sees my eyes watering, worry splashes all over his face. "I'm sorry. I knew this was stupid. I was gonna tak-" I cut him off with a tight loving hug.

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