Chapter Sixteen

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2. Galatians 5:22-23
(But the fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, Temperance, Against such things there is no law.)

(He guys, so I've done a lot of thinking with my book and it's looking like you guys should go reread it. Not the entire book, once I'm finished editing I will give you guys the specific chapter where major changes have been made. I want to make this book as realistic as possible, and I am still open to any suggestions. Thank you guys and enjoy the chapter.)

(For my returning readers, I suggest you all chapter 15 again, or at least the part where Vlasto and Janice are arguing. And read Zinovia's character analysis before you read this chapter. They hold information needed to understand this chapter.)


I sit on the bed nervously wait for Vlasto and Janice to return. I honestly knew they didn't like each other from the start, but having them alone together for as long as it's been has got me freaking out. They both have a ridiculous temper and I would hate to see them lash out on each other.

After waiting another 5 minutes, Janice walks back in with a smile, I've known her long enough to know something was a little off.

"What happened?" I ask her extremely curious and a little nervous as she walks back over to the bed. She sits down and pulls me into her lap.

"Nothing. We just had a little chat of where we stood concerning you." She informs me

I look back at her confused, "Concerning me? What's that supposed to mean?" I ask.

"It means Vlasto will remain your boyfriend, I will remain your best friend, and there will be no more problems between him and me." She says with a smile.

I look at her in shock, "Really?" I ask in disbelief.

"Really." She confirms. I turn and hug her. She hugs me back, a little tighter than usual, but I ignore it.

I notice her neck is a little red but think nothing of it.


Vlasto King

"Janice knows, sir." I tell Fimi, Zinovia's father.

After Janice confessed she knew what I had going on with Fimi, I knew the only logical thing to do was call him.

"How much does she know." He asks aggravated.

"A lot so far and I wouldn't be surprised if she knew more." I sigh.

"Shit." He curses into the phone. "Don't let Zinovia find out, son. If she knew what was going on, she'd fly right back out here and this is the last place she needs to be." He informs.

"Maybe that's what she needs," I say.

"What do mean?" He asks confused.

"She hasn't seen you guys in years. Maybe you and Esinam should come and live here for a while. If Janice knows there's no telling who else knows. But one thing is for sure. Zinovia is definitely in more trouble now." I suggest.

"You're right, son. But Zinovia doesn't want to see me. After what happened I'm not even sure she loves me anymore." He says sadly.

"Mr. Fimi, you are her father. You raised her as a single parent and gave her everything. She may be a little upset about what happened but I'm sure she misses you. And I have no doubt that she still loves you." I reassure him.

"Vlasto, I don't know." He says unsure.

"Sir, if you don't come for her love, at least come for safety. She needs you right now. You and Esinam both." I tell him.

He doesn't say anything for a few seconds. He finally sighs, "Fine. I'll come. But I want you to tell her. And whatever you do, don't tell her about what's going on. If she knew that I had you involved then she really would never forgive me." He says.

"Yes, sir." I say before hanging up.

I sit in silence for a few moments before sighing.

God, I love you Zinovia.


As the day goes on I realize that I haven't seen Vlasto since before him and Janice spoke.

At 7:00 Janice decides to go home. I walk her to the door and hug her before she leaves.

As we hug, her hands roam to my bum and she gives it a little squeeze. I shiver a little uncomfortably and quickly release with a semi-forced smile. She winks and walks away. I quickly shut the door.


I turn around quickly and run directly into Vlasto. He quickly catches me before I fall.

"Ow," I say as I rub my head. He removes my hand and rubs it for me. I smile.

"Angel, I have to tell you something."He says a little upset.

"Me too. I want to thank you, baby. You and Janice are the most important people in my life and I'm so glad you guys decided to put aside your differences for me." I tell him before hugging him tightly.

He hesitantly hugs me back, "What did you need to tell me?" I ask him, remembering he wanted to tell me something.

"Uh- Nothing, Angel. I just missed you all day. That's all." He tells me. I don't totally believe him but I let it slide for now.

We hug and  I notice his hand is in bandages.

Something is definitely off.



It's been literally like 17 years. OMG.

So I know I said that the chapter will be longer from here on out and this is like the shortest chapter in the book. sorry. I just felt like you guys deserved a chapter after soooo long.

I'm sorry I've been gone for over a week. I really have no excuse which makes me feel worse but writing can be stressful. Once I get my mojo back, it'll be chapters on chapters on chapters. Y'all won't be able to keep up.

Update: It's 10:36 PM, April 20th, 2019 and I literally just hit 1k votes and I'm gonna cry!!! THANKY Y'ALL SO MUCH!!! 

I really appreciate every one of you. THANK YOU!!

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