Chapter Twenty Two

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(For a man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.) James 1:20

Hi everyone! Thank you for reading my story. It's my dream to be an influencer and would mean the absolute world to me if you guys would follow me on TikTok @ _jazzedup_ ❤️ enjoy the story!


I lay in the backseat while Vlasto is driving, God knows where. I didn't mention the fact that we should've been home by now, simply because I'm so tired. He hands me some water and I chug it. After about 5 more minutes I pass out from exhaustion.

Vlasto King

I look in my mirror and see my angel fast asleep. I sigh in sadness.

I failed my job. I couldn't protect her.

That is the one thought in my head the entire ride, I let that motivate me to continue and go through with what needed to be done.

She's gonna be so mad when she wakes up.

I continue to drive until we reach the airport. I look  back and see her still asleep.

Thank God.

I knew she'd be tired from exhaustion but I slipped NyQuil in the water I gave her just to be sure she wouldn't wake up. I knew she wouldn't notice because of how tired she was.

I pick her up out of the back seat and carry her through the airport. We get weird looks but I don't care.

I get her plane ticket and the few things she's carrying with her and walk her to her plane.

Once on the plane I spot her father and brother and set her right next to them.

"Thank you, Vlasto." Her fathers says to me.

I only nod.

Her brother nods at me and I look at his wound before looking back up at him and nodding.

I close my eyes, bend down to her, and kiss her head tenderly.

I love you and I'm sorry.

I all but run off the plane, I don't even glance at her, because simply seeing her face would change my mind about this.

I run out the airport to my car and speed off. Once I reach my home I break down. Letting out all my anger, stress, and sadness.



I rub my eyes and sit up. I look to my right and see my dad then look to the left and see my brother. They're both asleep. I take in my surroundings and see we're on a plane.


I shake my brother, he stirs. I shake him again, "Esi, where are going?" He rubs his eyes.

"Esinam, where are we going? And where's Vlasto?" I ask him, sitting up.

"Zinovia, don't move too much." He tells me.

I ignore him and stand up.

"Ow!" I shout and fall back down, holding my private area. The few people that are awake look in our direction.

Dad jumps up, "Are you okay?" He asks me with a worried expression.

I breathe and look at him, "I'm fine. Now where's Vlasto." I ask him. He says nothing.

The flight attendant comes walks over to us, "Is everything alright over here?" She asks with a gentle smile.

I look up at her, "Everything would be fine if someone would answer my question." I say looking at my dad and brother, they remain silent.

"Well if you need anything, let me know." She smiles and walks away.

"I'm gonna ask one more time." I say gently.

"Where is Vlasto?" I say not looking at either of them.

It's silent for a moment, I'm about to yell when the intercom chimes.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived to our destination; welcome to Congo-Brazzaville." The pilot says.

"CONGO!?" I shout.


Omg, this cant be real!

Is it actually Jasmine??

She's alive??

Yes, it's true. I'm not dead.
All I can say is that I'm glad to be back.
I was gone so long that I literally forgot the character names 😩🙄🤦🏾‍♀️

I actually am going to have to reread my story to know what the heck is even going on 💀 (I high key forgot) so if this chapter was trash, that's why.
But this was a filler chapter, to let y'all know that I haven't given up on the story, y'all know my chapters have never been this short.

I am determined to finish this story. Please believe that guys.

I do remember saying that there's gonna be a Q&A, and idk if y'all were looking forward to it or not, but I was. So that's gonna be posted soon and like I said, it's gonna be open for questions for a week!

Forgive me for how lazy I've been with this story and look forward for the last few chapters coming.

Peace, Happiness, and Love (I don't even remember if that's how it goes 😭) -Jazz

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